cho x,y la cac so nguyen to thoa man x^2+45=y^2.Tong x+y=
cho 2 so x;y la cac so nguyen sao cho :/x/ +/y/ = 2 so cap (x;y) thoa man la
a)Tim tat ca cac so nguyen duong x, y , z thoa man: \(\frac{x+y\sqrt{2013}}{y+z\sqrt{2013}}\)la so huu ti, dong thoi x2 + y2+ z2 la so nguyen to.
b) Tim so tu nhien x, y thoa man: x(1+x+x2) = y(y-1).
cho x ; y la cac so nguyen to sao cho gia tri tuyet doi cua x cong gia tri tuyet doi cua y bang 5 so cap so nguyen (x;y) thoa man la
biet x,y,m,n la cac so nguyen thoa man: x+y=m+n. chung minh S=x^2+y^2+m^2+n^2 luon =bang cac binh phuong cua 3 so nguyen
cho x, y , z la cac so nguyen thoa man x . y - x. z + y.z - z^2 +1 =0 chung minh rang x+ y =0
cho so nguyen to p va cac so duong x,y thoa man 4x^2-3xy-y^2-p(3x+2y)=2p^2 CHUNG MINH RANG 5x-1 la so chinh phuong
Có: \(4x^2-3xy-y^2-p\left(3x+2y\right)=2p^2\Leftrightarrow\left(4x+y\right)\left(x-y\right)-p\left(3x+2y\right)=2p^2\)\(\Leftrightarrow\left[\left(3x+2y\right)+\left(x-y\right)\right]\left(x-y\right)-p\left(3x+2y\right)=2p^2\)\(\Leftrightarrow\left(3x+2y\right)\left(x-y\right)-p\left(3x+2y\right)+\left(x-y\right)^2-p^2=p^2\)\(\Leftrightarrow\left(3x+2y\right)\left(x-y-p\right)+\left(x-y-p\right)\left(x-y+p\right)=p^2\)\(\Leftrightarrow\left(x-y-p\right)\left(4x+y+p\right)=p^2=1.p^2\)
Do \(4x+y+p>x-y-p\)nên \(\hept{\begin{cases}x-y-p=1\left(1\right)\\4x+y+p=p^2\left(2\right)\end{cases}}\)(Do p là số nguyên tố)
Lấy (1) + (2), ta được: \(5x=p^2+1\Rightarrow5x-1=p^2\)(là số chính phương, đpcm)
Tim 3 so nguyen to lien tiep x,y,z (x<y<z) thoa man A = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 la so nguyen to
cho x,y,z la cac so huu ti duong thoa man x+1/yz y +1/xz z+1/xy la cac so nguyen tim gia tri lon nhat cua bieu thuc A=x+y^2+z^3
tim cac so nguyen to x,y thoa man:(x -2) nhan (y-3)=-4