co ai dag ranh ko , vao tieng anh 123 thi dau vs tui ik
ai co cac dong tu tieng anh ko kb roi gui minh ko thi tra loi nhieu vao nha ( nho ghi nghia)
nl mk tk cho
bạn ơi, thà động từ bất qui tắc, chớ động từ tiếng anh cả xứ thế kia, lấy đâu ra mà chỉ cho bạn
Nguyên mẫu | Quá khứ đơn | Quá khứ phân từ | Nghĩa của động từ | |
1 | abide | abode/abided | abode / abided | lưu trú, lưu lại |
2 | arise | arose | arisen | phát sinh |
3 | awake | awoke | awoken | đánh thức, thức |
4 | be | was/were | been | thì, là, bị, ở |
5 | bear | bore | borne | mang, chịu dựng |
6 | become | became | become | trở nên |
7 | befall | befell | befallen | xảy đến |
8 | begin | began | begun | bắt đầu |
9 | behold | beheld | beheld | ngắm nhìn |
10 | bend | bent | bent | bẻ cong |
11 | beset | beset | beset | bao quanh |
12 | bespeak | bespoke | bespoken | chứng tỏ |
13 | bid | bid | bid | trả giá |
14 | bind | bound | bound | buộc, trói |
15 | bleed | bled | bled | chảy máu |
16 | blow | blew | blown | thổi |
17 | break | broke | broken | đập vỡ |
18 | breed | bred | bred | nuôi, dạy dỗ |
19 | bring | brought | brought | mang đến |
20 | broadcast | broadcast | broadcast | phát thanh |
21 | build | built | built | xây dựng |
22 | burn | burnt/burned | burnt/burned | đốt, cháy |
23 | buy | bought | bought | mua |
24 | cast | cast | cast | ném, tung |
25 | catch | caught | caught | bắt, chụp |
26 | chide | chid/ chided | chid/ chidden/ chided | mắng chửi |
27 | choose | chose | chosen | chọn, lựa |
28 | cleave | clove/ cleft/ cleaved | cloven/ cleft/ cleaved | chẻ, tách hai |
29 | cleave | clave | cleaved | dính chặt |
30 | come | came | come | đến, đi đến |
31 | cost | cost | cost | có giá là |
32 | crow | crew/crewed | crowed | gáy (gà) |
33 | cut | cut | cut | cắt, chặt |
34 | deal | dealt | dealt | giao thiệp |
35 | dig | dug | dug | dào |
36 | dive | dove/ dived | dived | lặn, lao xuống |
37 | drew | drew | drawn | vẽ, kéo |
38 | dream | dreamt/ dreamed | dreamt/ dreamed | mơ thấy |
39 | drink | drank | drunk | uống |
40 | drive | drove | driven | lái xe |
41 | dwell | dwelt | dwelt | trú ngụ, ở |
42 | eat | ate | eaten | ăn |
43 | fall | fell | fallen | ngã, rơi |
44 | feed | fed | fed | cho ăn, ăn, nuôi, |
45 | feel | felt | felt | cảm thấy |
46 | fight | fought | fought | chiến đấu |
47 | find | found | found | tìm thấy, thấy |
48 | flee | fled | fled | chạy trốn |
49 | fling | flung | flung | tung, quang |
50 | fly | flew | flown | bay |
51 | forbear | forbore | forborne | nhịn |
52 | forbid | forbade/ forbad | forbidden | cấm đoán, cấm |
53 | forecast | forecast/ forecasted | forecast/ forecasted | tiên đoán |
54 | foresee | foresaw | forseen | thấy trước |
55 | foretell | foretold | foretold | đoán trước |
56 | forget | forgot | forgotten | quên |
57 | forgive | forgave | forgiven | tha thứ |
58 | forsake | forsook | forsaken | ruồng bỏ |
59 | freeze | froze | frozen | (làm) đông lại |
60 | get | got | got/ gotten | có được |
61 | gild | gilt/ gilded | gilt/ gilded | mạ vàng |
62 | gird | girt/ girded | girt/ girded | đeo vào |
63 | give | gave | given | cho |
64 | go | went | gone | đi |
65 | grind | ground | ground | nghiền, xay |
66 | grow | grew | grown | mọc, trồng |
67 | hang | hung | hung | móc lên, treo lên |
68 | hear | heard | heard | nghe |
69 | heave | hove/ heaved | hove/ heaved | trục lên |
70 | hide | hid | hidden | giấu, trốn, nấp |
71 | hit | hit | hit | đụng |
72 | hurt | hurt | hurt | làm đau |
73 | inlay | inlaid | inlaid | cẩn, khảm |
74 | input | input | input | đưa vào (máy điện toán) |
75 | inset | inset | inset | dát, ghép |
76 | keep | kept | kept | giữ |
77 | kneel | knelt/ kneeled | knelt/ kneeled | quỳ |
78 | knit | knit/ knitted | knit/ knitted | đan |
79 | know | knew | known | biết; quen biết |
80 | lay | laid | laid | đặt; để |
81 | lead | led | led | dẫn dắt; lãnh đạo |
82 | leap | leapt | leapt | nhảy, nhảy qua |
83 | learn | learnt/ learned | learnt/ learned | học, được biết |
84 | leave | left | left | ra đi, để lại |
85 | lend | lent | lent | cho mượn (vay) |
86 | let | let | let | cho phép, để cho |
87 | lie | lay | lain | nằm |
88 | light | lit/ lighted | lit/ lighted | thắp sáng |
89 | lose | lost | lost | làm mất, mất |
90 | make | made | made | chế tạo, sản xuất |
91 | mean | meant | meant | có nghĩa là |
92 | meet | met | met | gặp mặt |
93 | mislay | mislaid | mislaid | để lạc mất |
94 | misread | misread | misread | đọc sai |
95 | misspell | misspelt | misspelt | viết sai chính tả |
96 | mistake | mistook | mistaken | phạm lỗi, lầm lẫn |
97 | misunderstand | misunderstood | misunderstood | hiểu lầm |
98 | mow | mowed | mown/ mowed | cắt cỏ |
99 | outbid | outbid | outbid | trả hơn giá |
100 | outdo | outdid | outdone | làm giỏi hơn |
101 | outgrow | outgrew | outgrown | lớn nhanh hơn |
102 | output | output | output | cho ra (dữ kiện) |
103 | outrun | outran | outrun | chạy nhanh hơn, vượt quá |
104 | outsell | outsold | outsold | bán nhanh hơn |
105 | overcome | overcame | overcome | khắc phục |
106 | overeat | overate | overeaten | ăn quá nhiều |
107 | overfly | overflew | overflown | bay qua |
108 | overhang | overhung | overhung | nhô lên trên, treo lơ lửng |
109 | overhear | overheard | overheard | nghe trộm |
110 | overlay | overlaid | overlaid | phủ lên |
111 | overpay | overpaid | overpaid | trả quá tiền |
112 | overrun | overran | overrun | tràn ngập |
113 | oversee | oversaw | overseen | trông nom |
114 | overshoot | overshot | overshot | đi quá đích |
115 | oversleep | overslept | overslept | ngủ quên |
116 | overtake | overtook | overtaken | đuổi bắt kịp |
117 | overthrow | overthrew | overthrown | lật đổ |
118 | pay | paid | paid | trả (tiền) |
119 | prove | proved | proven/proved | chứng minh(tỏ) |
120 | put | put | put | đặt, để |
121 | read | read | read | đọc |
122 | rebuild | rebuilt | rebuilt | xây dựng lại |
123 | redo | redid | redone | làm lại |
124 | remake | remade | remade | làm lại, chế tạo lại |
125 | rend | rent | rent | toạc ra, xé |
126 | repay | repaid | repaid | hoàn tiền lại |
127 | resell | retold | retold | bán lại |
128 | retake | retook | retaken | chiếm lại, tái chiếm |
129 | rewrite | rewrote | rewritten | viết lại |
130 | rid | rid | rid | giải thoát |
131 | ride | rode | ridden | cưỡi |
132 | ring | rang | rung | rung chuông |
133 | rise | rose | risen | đứng dậy, mọc |
134 | run | ran | run | chạy |
135 | saw | sawed | sawn | cưa |
136 | say | said | said | nói |
137 | see | saw | seen | nhìn thấy |
138 | seek | sought | sought | tìm kiếm |
139 | sell | sold | sold | bán |
140 | send | sent | sent | gửi |
141 | sew | sewed | sewn/sewed | may |
142 | shake | shook | shaken | lay, lắc |
143 | shear | sheared | shorn | xén lông cừu |
144 | shed | shed | shed | rơi, rụng |
145 | shine | shone | shone | chiếu sáng |
146 | shoot | shot | shot | bắn |
147 | show | showed | shown/ showed | cho xem |
148 | shrink | shrank | shrunk | co rút |
149 | shut | shut | shut | đóng lại |
150 | sing | sang | sung | ca hát |
151 | sink | sank | sunk | chìm, lặn |
152 | sit | sat | sat | ngồi |
153 | slay | slew | slain | sát hại, giết hại |
154 | sleep | slept | slept | ngủ |
155 | slide | slid | slid | trượt, lướt |
156 | sling | slung | slung | ném mạnh |
157 | slink | slunk | slunk | lẻn đi |
158 | smell | smelt | smelt | ngửi |
159 | smite | smote | smitten | đập mạnh |
160 | sow | sowed | sown/ sewed | gieo, rải |
161 | speak | spoke | spoken | nói |
162 | speed | sped/ speeded | sped/ speeded | chạy vụt |
163 | spell | spelt/ spelled | spelt/ spelled | đánh vần |
164 | spend | spent | spent | tiêu sài |
165 | spill | spilt/ spilled | spilt/ spilled | tràn đổ ra |
166 | spin | spun/ span | spun | quay sợi |
167 | spit | spat | spat | khạc nhổ |
168 | spoil | spoilt/ spoiled | spoilt/ spoiled | làm hỏng |
169 | spread | spread | spread | lan truyền |
170 | spring | sprang | sprung | nhảy |
171 | stand | stood | stood | đứng |
172 | stave | stove/ staved | stove/ staved | đâm thủng |
173 | steal | stole | stolen | đánh cắp |
174 | sk | stuck | stuck | ghim vào, đính |
175 | sting | stung | stung | châm, chích, đốt |
176 | stink | stunk/ stank | stunk | bốc mùi hôi |
177 | strew | strewed | strewn/ strewed | rắc, rải |
178 | stride | strode | stridden | bước sải |
179 | strike | struck | struck | đánh đập |
180 | string | strung | strung | gắn dây vào |
181 | strive | strove | striven | cố sức |
182 | swear | swore | sworn | tuyên thệ |
183 | sweep | swept | swept | quét |
184 | swell | swelled | swollen/ swelled | phồng, sưng |
185 | swim | swam | swum | bơi, lội |
186 | swing | swung | swung | đong đưa |
187 | take | took | taken | cầm, lấy |
188 | teach | taught | taught | dạy, giảng dạy |
189 | tear | tore | torn | xé, rách |
190 | tell | told | told | kể, bảo |
191 | think | thought | thought | suy nghĩ |
192 | throw | threw | thrown | ném, liệng |
193 | thrust | thrust | thrust | thọc, nhấn |
19 | tread | trod | trodden/ trod | giẫm, đạp |
195 | unbend | unbent | unbent | làm thẳng lại |
196 | undercut | undercut | undercut | ra giá rẻ hơn |
197 | undergo | underwent | undergone | kinh qua |
198 | underlie | underlay | underlain | nằm dưới |
199 | underpay | undercut | undercut | trả lương thấp |
200 | undersell | undersold | undersold | bán rẻ hơn |
201 | understand | understood | understood | hiểu |
202 | undertake | undertook | undertaken | đảm nhận |
203 | underwrite | underwrote | underwritten | bảo hiểm |
204 | undo | undid | undone | tháo ra |
205 | unfreeze | unfroze | unfrozen | làm tan đông |
206 | unwind | unwound | unwound | tháo ra |
207 | uphold | upheld | upheld | ủng hộ |
208 | upset | upset | upset | đánh đổ, lật đổ |
209 | wake | woke/ waked | woken/ waked | thức giấc |
210 | waylay | waylaid | waylaid | mai phục |
211 | wear | wore | worn | mặc |
212 | weave | wove/ weaved | woven/ weaved | dệt |
213 | wed | wed/ wedded | wed/ wedded | kết hôn |
214 | weep | wept | wept | khóc |
215 | wet | wet / wetted | wet / wetted | làm ướt |
216 | win | won | won | thắng, chiến thắng |
217 | wind | wound | wound | quấn |
218 | withdraw | withdrew | withdrawn | rút lui |
219 | withhold | withheld | withheld | từ khước |
220 | withstand | withstood | withstood | cầm cự |
221 | work | wrought / worked | wrought / worked | rèn (sắt) |
222 | wring | wrung | wrung | vặn, siết chặt |
223 | write | wrote | written | viết |
Co ai giai tieng anh ioe ko kb voi tui ne !
"Giúp tôi giải toán" trên Online Math đã trở thành một diễn đàn hết sức sôi động cho các bạn học sinh, các thầy cô giáo và các bậc phụ huynh từ mọi miền đất nước. Ở đây các bạn có thể chia sẻ các bài toán khó, lời giải hay và giúp nhau cùng tiến bộ. Để diễn đàn này ngày càng hữu ích, các bạn lưu ý các thông tin sau đây:
I. Nội qui tham gia "Giúp tôi giải toán"
1. Không đưa câu hỏi linh tinh lên diễn đàn, chỉ đưa các bài mà mình không giải được hoặc các bài toán hay lên diễn đàn;
2. Không trả lời linh tinh, không phù hợp với nội dung câu hỏi trên diễn đàn.
3. Không "Đúng" vào các câu trả lời linh tinh nhằm gian lận điểm hỏi đáp.
Các bạn vi phạm 3 điều trên sẽ bị giáo viên của Online Math trừ hết điểm hỏi đáp, có thể bị khóa tài khoản hoặc bị cấm vĩnh viễn không đăng nhập vào trang web.
II. Cách nhận biết câu trả lời đúng
Trên diễn đàn có thể có rất nhiều bạn tham gia giải toán. Vậy câu trả lời nào là đúng và tin cậy được? Các bạn có thể nhận biết các câu trả lời đúng thông qua 6 cách sau đây:
1. Lời giải rõ ràng, hợp lý (vì nghĩ ra lời giải có thể khó nhưng rất dễ để nhận biết một lời giải có là hợp lý hay không. Chúng ta sẽ học được nhiều bài học từ các lời giải hay và hợp lý, kể cả các lời giải đó không đúng.)
2. Lời giải từ các giáo viên của Online Math có thể tin cậy được (chú ý: dấu hiệu để nhận biết Giáo viên của Online Math là các thành viên có gắn chứ "Quản lý" ở ngay sau tên thành viên.)
3. Lời giải có số bạn chọn "Đúng" càng nhiều thì càng tin cậy.
4. Người trả lời có điểm hỏi đáp càng cao thì độ tin cậy của lời giải sẽ càng cao.
5. Các bài có dòng chữ "Câu trả lời này đã được Online Math chọn" là các lời giải tin cậy được (vì đã được duyệt bởi các giáo viên của Online Math.)
6. Các lời giải do chính người đặt câu hỏi chọn cũng là các câu trả lời có thể tin cậy được.
III. Thưởng VIP cho các thành viên tích cực
Online Math hiện có 2 loại giải thưởng cho các bạn có điểm hỏi đáp cao: Giải thưởng chiếc áo in hình logo của Online Math cho 3 - 5 bạn có điểm hỏi đáp cao nhất trong tháng và giải thưởng 1 tháng VIP cho 3 - 5 bạn có điểm hỏi đáp cao nhất trong tuần.
Ai la ARMY thi kb mk nha. Con ai ranh thi ib vs mk. Ai k co viec thi tang mk hinh idol hoac anh cac bn mk se nhan xet. Mk cuc ranh
De 1 cai chuong dong ho vao tui ni-long roi buoc chat tui ni-long va cho tui ni-long vao xo nuoc.Ban co nghe thay tieng chuong keu khong?
Thi nghiem do chung to co the chuyen chat nao?
Khi đã buộc chặt đồng hồ trong túi nilon rồi thả vào chậu nước ta vẫn nghe thấy tiếng chuông khi áp tai vào thành chậu là do tiếng chuông đồng hồ lan truyền qua túi nilon, qua nước, qua thành chậu và lan truyền tới tai ta.
+Âm thanh có thể lan truyền qua chất lỏng, chất rắn.
nếu áp sát tai vào thì vẫn nghe thấy đó bn ạ.
Ai co de thi hsg Tieng ANh thi cho mik nhe!!!!!!!!!!(ko copy ở trên mạng)
ko copy trên mạng thì mk chịu thui!!! nếu bạn có thì cũng cho mk nhé
Mình có cả chục tờ nhưng ngại chép lắm
I. VOCABULARY: (30 points)
Part 1: Circle the letter (A, B, C or D) next to the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.
1. It's a good idea to see your doctor regularly for ................... .
A. a revision B. a control C. an investiagation D. a check-up
2. Last year the potato harvest was very disappointing, but this year it looks as though we shall have a better ................... .
A. product B. outcome C. amount D. crop
3. When the starter gave the ................... all the competitors in the race began to run round the track.
A. signal B. warning C. shot D. show
4. ................... from Bill, all the students said they would go
A. Except B. Only C. Apart D. Separate
5. The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to ................... new procedures to save time and money.
A. manufacture B. establish C. control D. restore
6. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not .................... your television set.
A. change B. adjust C. repair D. switch
7. The crowd at a football match are often ................. .
A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitement
8. I'm very .................... in the information you have given me.
A. concerned B. surprised C. bored D. interested
9. I saw a thief take Peter's wallet so I ran ................... him, but I didn't catch him.
A. into B. after C. over D. near
10. If it's raining tomorrow, we shall have to................... the match till Sunday.
A. put off B. cancel C. play D. put away
Part 2: Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
Kids watch more TV
A study into children's television (0) viewing (VIEW) habits reveals that children whose parents have a high level of (1) ____________ (EDUCATE) tend to watch less television than children from less educated family (2) ________________ .(BACK) The report also suggests that a high rate of TV watching among children in poorer (3) _________________ (SUBURB) areas and in the provinces, compared to those living in large urban centre, is often due to (4) _________________ (POOR) and a lack of other kinds of (5) _________________ (ENTERTAIN) in the area. Disco, cinema, theatre and sports (6) ________________(ACTIVE) offer children in urban centre a wider range of pastimes, which leads to far (7) ______________ (FEW) hours being spent in front of the box. (8) ______________(COMMERCE), comedies and adventure films are children's (9) _______________ (FAVOUR) programmes, while twenty per cent of children said they preferred (10) _______________ (VIOLENCE) films and thrillers.
Part 3: Match each phrasal verb with the correct definition
1. fill in 2. turn into 3. go away 4. put away 5. run out of 6. get away with 7. join in 8. pick out 9. keep on 10. get over | A. participate B. avoid punishment C. select, choose D. change into, become E. continue F. complete ( a form) G. leave H. recover from I. use up completely J. return something to its correct place |
II. GRAMMAR (20 points)
Part 1: Use the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets to complete the passage below.
I (write) (1) ....................................... to express my dissatisfaction of my stay at the Lord Hotel in London last weekend. I (book) (2) ...................................... the hotel in Sweden and also (receive) (3) ............................. information about the hotel. I (promise) (4) ................................ a luxury weekend. However, I (be) (5)..................................... not satisfied. The room was comfortable, but the traffic from the road opposite the hotel (make) (6) .................................... it impossible to (sleep) (7) ............................ I (ask) (8) ...................................... for another room, but no single rooms (be) (9) ................................. available. I required room-service one night and I (have) (10) .................................. to wait for almost one hour before someone came.
Part 2: Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions
1. She was very conscious (1).................. her lack of experience on her first day at work.
2. He has a new solution (2).................. the problem.
3. Nobody helped him. He managed it (3).................. his own.
4 The drivers (4) ................... London kept their cars (5) ............... the left.
5. The summer holiday is coming. We are all excited (6) ................. going (7) ............. a long trip (8) ............ the South.
6. The children were amazed (9) .................... the lion show at the circus.
7. Her small garden looks very beautiful in spring because all the flowers are (10) .................... full bloom.
III. READING: (25 points)
Part 1: Put ONE suitable word in each space
Miss Darby was one of those people who never threw anything away. “You never know when you might need it” was (1) ...................................... of her favorite sayings. She lived (2) ...................................... herself in a large Victorian house across the road from us. Although I never went to her house, I knew it was full (3) ...................................... antique furniture, Persian carpets and so on. In every room, there were dozens of paintings so that her house was (4) ...................................... an art gallery. I remember my father (5) ...................................... that she was a “ Staffordshire Darby” but I had (6) ...................................... idea what he meant. I (7) ...................................... out years later that the Darby family had made their money from coal-mining in Staffordshire. We used to make up stories (8) ...................................... her. My sister Alice, (9) ...................................... was a romantic girl, told us that Miss Darby once had a lover, but he walked out one day and she (10) ...................................... saw him again!
Part 2: Read the following passage and answer the questions.
The world's oceans are so vast that they can cope with the present levels of pollution. However, little is known about the long-term effects of such slow poisoning. The most serious problem of modern time is that man is destroying the earth's natural resources and transforming huge areas into waste land. As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to grow enough to feed the world's rapidly increasing population. A way of protecting all wild life on the earth must also be found as many species are in danger of disappearing completely from the face of the earth. The smoke in the atmosphere, for example, is increasing so much that the amount of sunlight has been reduced in many cities. Man's whole environment is being changed in a serious way.
1) What is the process of making something dirty?
2) Find a word or phrase from the passage with the same meaning as the air, water and land in which we live?
3) What is the air surrounding the earth called?
4) What could be best replaced wealth, goods or products people can use?
5) What is a difficulty which needs attention and thought?
Part 3: Read the passage and decide which is the best answer. Circle the letter A, B, C or D next to the word you choose.
Paper is named for papyrus, a reed like plant used by ancient Egyptians as writing material more than 5000 years ago. The Chinese invented the paper that we use 2000 years ago.
A piece of paper is really made up of tiny fibers, unlike a piece of material. The fibers used in paper, however, are plant fibers, and there are millions of them in one sheet. In addition to the plant fiber, dyes and additives such as resin may be used. Dyes can make the paper different colors; resin may add weight and texture.
Where do these fibers come from ? The majority of paper is made from the plant fiber that comes from trees. Millions are cut down, but new trees are planted in their place. Paper may be also made from things like old rags or pieces of cloth. Wastepaper, paper that has been made and used, can be turned into recycled paper. This recycling process saves forest, energy and reduces air and water pollution.
1. According to the passage, the paper that we use was first invented by
A. the Chinese B. the Egyptians C. ancient cultures D. foresters
2. What is the main ingredient in most paper ?
A. resin B. cardboard C. plant fiber D. papyrus
3. According to the passage, the primary source of the plant fiber used in paper is
A. rags B. trees C. fabric D. wastepaper
4. According to the passage, recycling paper is
A. bad for the environment C. good for the environment
B. wasteful D. economical
5. According to the passage, recycling paper does all of the following EXCEPT
A. reduce the need for ink C. save energy
B. save forests D. reduce air pollution
IV. WRITING: (25 points)
Part 1: Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown, so that the meaning remains the same.
Example: He wrote the letter in two hours.
It took him two hours to write the letter.
1. The keepers feed the lions at 3 pm every day.
The lions ...............................................................................................
2. We got lost because we didn't have a map.
If we ......................................................................................................
3. I would prefer you to deliver the sofa on Friday.
I would rather ........................................................................................
4. The bridge was so low that the bus couldn't go under it.
It was ....................................................................................................
5. That was a silly thing to say.
What .....................................................................................................
6. We've run out of tea.
There ....................................................................................................
7. I last saw him when I was a student.
I haven't ................................................................................................
8. Susan was too excited to sleep.
Susan was ............................................................................................
9. Robert has not had a job for two years.
Robert has been ...................................................................................
10. She will complete the work only she is paid extra.
She will not ..........................................................................................
Part 2 Use the words in the brackets to combine the following sentences.
1. All the students love the principal. He is very kind. (because of)
2. I have forgotten the tickets. I’m sorry for it. (having)
3. I saw it with my own eyes. I believed it. (if)
4. The house at the end of the street has been sold. It has been empty for years. (which)
5. It's a pity he doesn't take the doctor's advice. (wish)
Part 3: A friend of yours has written to you, asking for some advice. He wants to visit your country for three weeks this summer and would like to know which places to visit, where to stay, what sights to see, and what clothes to bring. Write to him, giving as many suggestions as you can and mentioning any national customs that may seem strange to him. (about 200 words)
co ai vao kb mik ko? dg ranh....
Ai ranh ko giup mk vai cau tieng anh , nhan lai cho mk neu giup , thanks
kb với mik nhé
nhưng phải k đã
mình cũng cần giúp một vài câu tiếng anh
Co ai choi minecraft bedwars ko
Neu co thi vao sever de choi cung tui
Ten trong sever do cua tui la Bluebood_VN
Neu ko that thi hoi moi nguoi om do nha !! ^^
Đề thi dành cho lớp 9 này
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