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Hôm qua lúc 6:19

He made no _____ about his dissatisfaction with the level of service in the hotel. It was not merely disgraceful, it was scandalous, he declared.

a. blood b. bones c.mince d.skin

make no bones about sth: không do dự trong vấn đề gì

what irked her particularly was that he had borrowed her car without ______ a by-your-leave

a. so much as b. as far as c. too much of d. very much of

______ clever his deals and high-flying his lifestyle are, he never really reached his full potential

a. for all b. however c. whatever d. regardlessly

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4 tháng 3 lúc 21:16

1. hacking

2. manslaughter

3. abduction

4. perjury

5. trespassing

6. espionage

7. smuggling

8.  harassment 

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Hôm kia lúc 22:57

1. The young whizz kid’s crime was hacking into the company’s computer system via the Internet in order to obtain confidential data.

- Giải thích: "Hacking" có nghĩa là tấn công vào hệ thống máy tính trái phép. Ở đây, cậu bé đã xâm nhập vào hệ thống để lấy dữ liệu mật.

- Dịch: Tội của thần đồng trẻ tuổi là tấn công mạng vào hệ thống máy tính của công ty qua Internet để lấy dữ liệu bí mật.

2. The jury was convinced that the man’s death was an accident, but the driver of the car that hit him was found guilty of manslaughter because he had been driving dangerously at the time of the accident.

- Giải thích: "Manslaughter" là tội ngộ sát – khi một người gây ra cái chết của người khác nhưng không có chủ đích giết người. Ở đây, tài xế lái xe nguy hiểm nên bị kết tội ngộ sát.

Dịch: Bồi thẩm đoàn tin rằng cái chết của người đàn ông là một tai nạn, nhưng tài xế chiếc xe đâm vào ông ấy bị kết tội ngộ sát vì anh ta đã lái xe nguy hiểm vào thời điểm xảy ra tai nạn.

3. Parents have been told to be particularly vigilant following three children abductions in the area in the space of three months.

- Giải thích: "Abduction" có nghĩa là bắt cóc. Ở đây, có ba vụ bắt cóc trẻ em xảy ra trong ba tháng.

- Dịch: Phụ huynh đã được cảnh báo cần đặc biệt cảnh giác sau ba vụ bắt cóc trẻ em xảy ra trong khu vực trong vòng ba tháng.

4. The witness requested that he be allowed to change his testimony, proving to the court that he had been lying and he was subsequently charged with perjury.

- Giải thích: "Perjury" là tội khai man trước tòa. Ở đây, nhân chứng thừa nhận đã nói dối nên bị buộc tội khai man.

- Dịch: Nhân chứng yêu cầu được thay đổi lời khai, chứng minh với tòa rằng mình đã nói dối và sau đó bị buộc tội khai man.

5. This is private property and I would ask you to leave immediately; otherwise, you’ll be prosecuted for trespassing.

- Giải thích: "Trespassing" là hành vi xâm phạm tài sản riêng trái phép. Ở đây, người nói yêu cầu người khác rời khỏi khu đất riêng.

- Dịch: Đây là tài sản riêng và tôi yêu cầu bạn rời đi ngay lập tức; nếu không, bạn sẽ bị truy tố vì xâm phạm trái phép.

6. Through industrial espionage, the secret recipe for the company’s new chocolate bar was stolen!

- Giải thích: "Espionage" là gián điệp, đặc biệt là trong kinh doanh (gián điệp công nghiệp). Ở đây, công thức bị đánh cắp do hoạt động gián điệp công nghiệp.

- Dịch: Thông qua gián điệp công nghiệp, công thức bí mật của thanh sô-cô-la mới của công ty đã bị đánh cắp!

7. Trying to bring a few extra bottles of whiskey through customs in your luggage is smuggling actually, so make sure you declare anything of that nature.

- Giải thích: "Smuggling" là buôn lậu – mang hàng hóa qua biên giới mà không khai báo. Ở đây, mang rượu lậu qua hải quan mà không khai báo là hành vi buôn lậu.

- Dịch: Cố gắng mang thêm vài chai rượu whisky qua hải quan trong hành lý thực chất là buôn lậu, vì vậy hãy đảm bảo bạn khai báo bất kỳ thứ gì như vậy.

8. Helen brought a case of sexual harassment against her former employer and successfully won the case and received compensation.

- Giải thích: "Harassment" là quấy rối, đặc biệt là quấy rối tình dục. Ở đây, Helen kiện sếp cũ vì quấy rối tình dục và thắng kiện.

- Dịch: Helen đã kiện sếp cũ vì quấy rối tình dục, thành công trong vụ kiện và nhận được tiền bồi thường.


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Hôm kia lúc 23:47

1. hacking

2. manslaughter

3. abduction

4. perjury

5. trespassing

6. espionage

7. smuggling

8. harassment 

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3 tháng 3 lúc 15:06

1. The teacher said that koalas live in Australia

2. She said that if I had worn my jacket, I wouldn't have got cold

3. Mum says that dinner is ready

4. The Art teacher said that if you mix red and blue, you get purple

5. He said that he would meet me at the bus stop at three o'clock

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3 tháng 3 lúc 20:09

1. The teacher said that koalas live in Australia.

2. She said that if I had worn my jacket, I wouldn’t have got cold

3. Mum says that dinner is ready.

4. The Art teacher said that if you mix red and blue, you get purple.

5. He said that he would meet me at the bus stop at three o’clock.

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2 tháng 3 lúc 15:28

Đầu bài là phân loại các tính từ vào các nhóm phù hợp em nhé


+ ancient

+ old

+ crowded


+ creamy

+ tasty

+ delicious

+ fresh

+ juicy


+ kind

+ friendly

+ helpful

+ generous

+ happy


+ rainy

+ cold

+ dry

+ sunny

+ fascinating

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1 tháng 3 lúc 20:26

1.No one took care of the pets while we were in the eye of the storm.
=> No one looked after the pets while we were in the eye of the storm.

2.The forest fire was so big that its smoke could be seen from space.
=> It was such a big forest fire that its smoke could be seen from space.

3.It’s a good idea to read guidelines for evacuation carefully.
=> You should read the guidelines for evacuation carefully.

4.If James doesn’t bring a compass, he will get lost in the jungle.
=> Unless James brings a compass, he will get lost in the jungle.

5.How long is it since you last saw a storm?
=> When did you last see a storm?

6.It was raining heavily but Kathy still decided to go to school.
=> Although it was raining heavily, Kathy still decided to go to school.

7.No other tsunami in the 20th century was as high as Lituya Bay megatsunami.
=> Lituya Bay megatsunami was the highest tsunami in the 20th century.

8.Due to the heavy rains on the hills, water in the lake started to rise.
=> As it rained heavily on the hills, water in the lake started to rise.

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1 tháng 3 lúc 20:30

1.Mark was doing a crossword puzzle when the teacher came into the class.

2.Mai and Lan were singing a pop song when the teacher came into the class.

3.Phong was cleaning the board when the teacher came into the class.

5.4.Nick and Nam were reading a comic book together when the teacher came into the class.

6.Mi was drawing something in her notebook when the teacher came into the class.

7.Some students were playing chess when the teacher came into the class.

8.Lan and Nga were talking happily when the teacher came into the class.

9.Two boys were running around the classroom when the teacher came into the class.

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1 tháng 3 lúc 20:32

1.C. All natural disasters cause damage and destruction to humans.

2.A. The most common types of natural disasters in the world are floods and storms.

3.D. Sometimes, more than one disaster occurs at the same time.

4.B. Landslides may occur during severe flooding and thunderstorms.

5.D. Scientists can predict many of the disasters ahead of time.

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2 tháng 3 lúc 8:03

1 Rescue workers freed people trapped in flooded houses and took them to safe places

2 A volcano erupted violently in the South Pacific last week

 3 Four days of heavy rain caused a serious flood in a village in Ha Tinh

4 The winds were so strong that trees, cars, and even houses were picked up and carried for miles

5 As the lava ran down the volcano's sides, it destroyed everything in its path

6 This article gave us practical tips about treating poisonous wastes

7 Were you watching TV in your apartment when the building started trembling ?

8 The devastating tsunami brought destruction to cities and towns near the sea

9 He was watering flowers in his garden when he saw a bright mysterious light

10 Hurricanes and tropical storms are among the most powerful natural disasters

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2 tháng 3 lúc 9:35

1.Rescue workers took people trapped in flooded houses and freed them to safe places.

2.A volcano erupted violently in the South Pacific last week.

3.Heavy rain caused a serious flood in a village in Ha Tinh four days ago.

4.The winds were so strong that trees, cars, and even houses were picked up and carried for miles.

5.As the lava ran down the volcano's sides, it destroyed everything in its path.

6.This article gave us practical tips about treating poisonous wastes.

7.Were you watching TV in your apartment when the building started trembling?

8.The devastating tsunami brought destruction to cities and towns near the sea.

9.He saw a bright mysterious light in his garden when he was watering flowers.

10.Hurricanes and tropical storms are among the most powerful natural disasters.

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2 tháng 3 lúc 9:32

1.Is there any tropical cyclone that begins and ends in the sea?
=> Yes, some tropical cyclones stay out in the sea.

2.Is it possible for a tropical cyclone to begin at the temperature of 26°C?
=> No, a tropical cyclone begins when the water gets as hot as 27°C or hotter.

3.What makes the winds rotate?
=> The Coriolis effect made by the Earth’s rotation causes the winds to rotate.

4.Can we say both hurricane and typhoon are tropical cyclones?
=> Yes, both hurricane and typhoon are types of tropical cyclones.

5.Where is a tropical cyclone called “hurricane”?
=> A tropical cyclone is called hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean, and the eastern, central, and northern Pacific Oceans.

6.Where is a tropical cyclone called “typhoon”?
=> A tropical cyclone is called typhoon in the western Pacific Ocean.

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