why should secondary school students wear uniform(viết đoạn văn nha)

27 tháng 9 2018 lúc 21:39

In addition, school uniforms are a way for school to show their own style. With a number of schools offering seasonally adjusted materials, different uniforms are available to help students better protect their health.
In addition, many schools offer uniforms that will help them have a polite, consistent look and style that a student needs. At the same time, this is also a way to avoid having students wearing bright, colorful clothes that are not suitable for the school environment. Not only that, the school uniforms are also a tool to help the school better manage students.
On the student side

- Most school uniforms today are designed with a dynamic, modern style, also very cute should receive the love of many students. Even, there are schools that have beautiful uniforms that become the driving force for many of you to enter that school.
- In addition, school uniforms are a way to create equality in the school environment. When all students wear the same attire to school, they will be more ly to integrate into their school environment. Avoiding the rich and poor in the school environment makes it difficult for the children to become self-deprecating, shy of their well-off classmates.

Every day, wearing a school uniform to go to school will help remind students of their responsibilities and responsibilities, not to do things that can affect their friends, teachers and reputation. of the school he was wearing on his uniform.
However, with families in difficult circumstances, each new school year is a worry about the burden of uniform. Therefore, when laying out uniforms for students, schools should consider many issues so that uniforms are no longer a burden for parents of students at the beginning of the new school year. In addition, the school should have policies as well as support measures, help the children in difficult situation in uniforms to help children comfortable, fun to go to school.

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27 tháng 9 2018 lúc 21:55

Hello everyone. My name is ........................ Today, we will discuss about the question: Why should secondary school students wear uniform?

First of all, school uniforms would not only cost parents more money, and would be a bad idea all around. In fact, school uniforms are as important as student laptops in the education experience...

Interestingly, what most excites children going to school for the first time is usually their uniform. Every five-year-old can appreciate wearing a school uniform is a powerful rite of passage, and an equally powerful statement of belonging.

This is no less true of high school students. Quite frankly, we spend far too much time pandering to a generation for whom individuality is a temper tantrum and a Facebook post short of an overblown sense of entitlement.

We need to spend more time emphasising the value of community, and how communities can only function if everyone gives up some of their own entitlement for the good of others.

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27 tháng 9 2018 lúc 22:17

i think school uniform have many benefits for students. Firstly wearing uniform helps student not distinguish rickand poor.

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