tham khảo thôi:
When is your birthday ? ( Khi nào sinh nhật bạn ?)
_22 - 6 - 2005
How old are you ?
When is your mom's birthday ?
_____15 - 9 - 1982_________________
What is your favourite month ?
Đúng 1
Bình luận (1)
My birthday is on 17th of March. I'm 12 years old. My mom's birthday is on 8th of September. My favourite month is January.
Đúng 1
Bình luận (0)
When is your birthday =30,10,2008
How old are you = I am 15 years old
When is your mom's birthday = 27,9,1985
What is your favourite month? ...
Đúng 2
Bình luận (0)
Tham khảo:
When is your birthday ?
-> 14/12/2010
How old are you ?
-> 12 years old
When is your mom's birthday ?
-> 23/11/1980
What is your favourite month ?
-> 3
Đúng 0
Bình luận (0)