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18 tháng 5 2022 lúc 20:28

Tham khảo

One of mу moѕt memorable eхperienceѕ iѕ the firѕt daу of ѕchool. I could not underѕtand the loᴠe of mу mother until I got ѕick, it ᴡaѕ mу moѕt memorable eхperience. A prettу ѕcarу but memorable eхperience for me to neᴠer trу it a ѕecond time ᴡaѕ the roller coaѕter game. On the firѕt daу of ѕchool, eᴠerуthing ᴡaѕ neᴡ and unfamiliar to me that preᴠented me from leaᴠing mу mother. After getting ѕoaked in the rain ᴡith mу neighborѕ, I became ѕeriouѕlу ill, ѕo mу mother had to ѕtaу bу mу ѕide to take care of me. We inᴠite each other to join the roller coaѕter game to challenge ourѕelᴠeѕ and knoᴡ ᴡhat it feelѕ like to plaу. The firѕt daу of ѕchool ᴡaѕ frightening but intereѕting that I got to knoᴡ ѕchool – a place that I had neᴠer been to before. I feel the fatigue of being ѕick and loᴠe mу mother more. Although I felt ᴠerу ѕcared and uncomfortable, it ᴡaѕ alѕo ᴠerу fun afterᴡard.

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18 tháng 5 2022 lúc 20:29

tham khảo

Have you ever realized that this life of each of us is an arduous search journey. In which the goal that each person is aiming for is none other than success. Indeed, success plays a significant role for people. That is what we have worked hard to achieve when we are determined to do something. Having success, we will feel very clearly how those efforts have achieved results. Success also affirms the real capacity of people, helping us prove to life that you can do it. Success is the driving force for us to move up the ladder that many people do not dare to think about. If this life for you is all a failure, or not once successful, it is really sad. Without success, you will always "sink" in the river of life, all efforts are sometimes not recognized by others. It can make you self-deprecating, depressed, not interested in this life anymore. Therefore, success will only come to those who are really determined, determined and determined. In life, you think that you have to be very rich, have to do this and that… already success. But in reality, no matter how big or small your success is, you must strive to achieve it. Think about it, a certain father or mother is just busy making money, neglecting their children, the family is just busy arguing, not taking care of each other... is being rich a success? You use all kinds of tricks to get what you want, but the success you get is not genuine, it means nothing! Therefore, the success of a father and mother is when their children grow up and are told: "Thank you for helping me graduate from the parenting course". No need to be luxurious, success is a house full of laughter, doing what you love, going where you want to go, eating the food you want to eat… Amazing, success is the result. of our own efforts, not what nature gives us or how lucky you are in life. Success is sometimes very simple things that even young people of eighteen or twenty can do if they practice and study well. Success will not wait for us to come to receive it, but must seek and make great efforts. Can you and I try together?

Bình luận (5)
18 tháng 5 2022 lúc 20:31


Refer:The biggest event that happened to me lately was my graduation ceremony. It was on the beginning of September, when most students had just started their new semester. The ceremony was at my university, and we were all present at about 7 AM. When I got there, I had already worn the hat and black cape outside my white shirt with long pants. First I had to find seats for my parents, and then I moved to a separated section for students. We sat in lines to wait for our names to be called. When the MC called my name, I felt that my heart nearly jumped out of my chest, so I had to take a really deep breath to stay calm. The stage was beautifully decorated, and there were a lot of people taking pictures. I felt like I was a celebrity, and that thought kept me confident for the rest of the ceremony. Later my friends and parents gave me a lot of flowers and presents, and that was the happiest day of my life so far

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