Đáp án: stopover
Stopover (n): dừng chân
Đáp án: stopover
Stopover (n): dừng chân
Use the following compound nouns to complete the sentences below.
_______________ is a feeling of tiredness and confusion about time after a long plane journey.
Use the following compound nouns to complete the sentences below.
_______________ is a popular time of the year for holidays.
Use the following compound nouns to complete the sentences below.
Let’s make sure that we stay at a hotel with a _______________.
Use the following compound nouns to complete the sentences below.
_______________ is a place at the side of a road marked with a sign, where buses stop.
Use the following compound nouns to complete the sentences below.
At the hotel, you can choose between bed and breakfast, and _______________.
Use the following compound nouns to complete the sentences below.
_______________ is a disadvantage or problem that makes something a less attractive idea.
Use the following compound nouns to complete the sentences below.
The _______________ time is 12 noon at this hotel.
Use the following compound nouns to complete the sentences below.
The motorway was blocked because there had been a _______________.
Use the following compound nouns to complete the sentences below.
_______________ is the place you go first when you arrive at an airport to show your ticket.