The elephant was examined by a doctore
It was taken back to the zoo
He was bought 2 years old for a fee of $20,000
This film was made in Hollywood by Stephen last year
This kind of boat was used by Irish fisherman one thousand years ago
The photos were taken by Redwood during his voyage
All the songs was written on this new album by Lisa
Some tulips were bought yesterday
His car is usually washed every Sunday morning
This kind of bird is protected by law
21. The elephant was examined by a doctor.
22. It was taken back to the zoo.
23. He was bought by the club 2 years ago for a fee of $20,000.
24. This film was made in Hollywood by Stephen last year.
25. This kind of boat was used by Irish fisherman one thousand years ago.
26. The photos were taken by Redwood during his voyage.
27. All the songs were written on this new album by Lisa.
28. Some tulips were bought yesterday.
29. His car is usually washed every Sunday morning.
30. This kind of bird is protected by Law.