1 swept
2 where
3 missing
4 much
5 since
6 times
7 living
8 release
9 no
10 themselves
1 swept
2 where
3 missing
4 much
5 since
6 times
7 living
8 release
9 no
10 themselves
Giải giúp mình bài này vs ạ:(( mình cảm ơn nhiều lắm
Giúp em với ạ e cảm ơn ạ
Giúp em với ạ, em cảm ơn nhiều ạ
mọi người giải thích giúp mình hai câu này được không ạ M cảm ơn
Giúp em với ạ e đang cần gấp em cảm ơn ạ
Giúp e với ạ, e cảm ơn
Giúp e với ạ, cảm ơn mn
Giúp em với ạ , em cảm ơn .
Giúp em với ạ em cảm ơn nhiều .
Giúp mình với ạ, mình cảm ơn 2. It is relaxing to listen to this piece of music in the evening. Listening . 3. It took her an hour to reach the station. She spent _____________________________________________________________. 4. It was difficult for him to do this assignment. He had difficulty________________________________________________________________. 5. She took three hours to prepare the meal. It took______________________________________________________________. 6. Could you open the window, please? Would you mind_________________________________________________________? 7. Crying over split milk is useless. It is no use_________________________________________________________________. 8. Are you against working on Sunday? Do you object___________________________________________________________? 9. Mauro says he prefers to do his homework on his own. Mauro says that he would rather_________________________________________________. 10. During the rush hour, it takes me over an hour to get to work. During the rush hour, I spend_____________________________________________________