9. How far is it from Vinh to Ha Noi city?
10. I used to walk to school when I was a student.
Đúng 3
Bình luận (0)
How far is it from Vinh to Ha Noi city?
I used to walk to school when I was a student.
Đúng 3
Bình luận (0)
9. How far is it from Vinh to Ha Noi ?
10. I used to walk to school when I was a student.
Học tốt!
Đúng 1
Bình luận (1)
Bổ sung
9. How far is it from Vinh to Ha Noi city ?
10. I used to walk to school when I was a student.
Học tốt!
Đúng 1
Bình luận (0)
How far is it from Vinh to Ha Noi city?
I used to walk to school when I was a student.
Đúng 1
Bình luận (0)