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Hộ mình bài trắc nghiệm này với ạ . THANKS TRC Ạ
Giải giúp em cái này với anh cj ơi cứu em với ạ cảm ơn truóng ạ
Dạ mng xem giúp mình mấy bài trắc nghiệm làm đúng chưa với ạ , mng giúp mình luôn câu 5 bài 2 và câu 2 bài 3 ạ
Mình cảm ơn trước ạ
mọi người làm và giải thik hộ em vs ạ. Em cảm ơn mọi người
Giải hộ e 6 câu này với ạ e cảm ơn
Hộ mình bài này với ạ.
Mình cảm ơn trc 🥰❤
Hộ mik mí bài khoanh này với ạ 🥰. DẠ MÌNH CẢM ƠN TRC Ạ🙆♀️❤
Có ai giúp em bài này với ạ! EM CẢM ƠN Ạ!
jogging photography gardening basketball gymnastics cycling bird-watching chess dancing ice skating |
1.__________ : a game played by two people on a square board, in which each player has 16 pieces thay can be moved on the board in different ways.
2.__________ : the job or activity of working in a garden, growing and taking care of the plants, and keeping it attractive.
3.__________ : a game played by two teams of five men or six women who score points by throwing a large ball through an open net hanging from a metal ring.
4.__________ : the sport or activity of riding a bicycle.
5.__________ : the art of moving your body to music.
6.__________ : moving across ice using special shoes with a thin metal bar fixed to the bottom that you wear to move quickly on ice.
7.__________ : the activity of running at a slow regular speed, especially as a form of exercise.
8.__________ : the hobby of studying wild birds in their natural environment.
9.__________ : the hobby of studying wild birds in their natural environment, physical exercises and activities performed inside, often using equipment such as bars and ropes which are intended to increase the body’s strength and the ability to move and bend easily.
10._________ : the activity or job of taking photographs or films.