Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
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Số lượng câu trả lời 9
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Điểm SP 3

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Chủ đề:

Bài 17: Chương trình con và phân loại

Câu hỏi:

Program Piano; uses crt,graph; const SoPhim = 14; Phim: array[1..SoPhim] of char = ('a','s','d','f','g','h','j', '1','2','3','4','5','6','7'); TenNot: array[1..SoPhim] of string[3] = ('Do','Re','Mi','Fa', 'Sol','La','Si','Do"','Re"','Mi"','Fa"','Sol"','La"','Si"'); AmThanh: array[1..SoPhim] of integer = (131,147,165,175,196,220, 247,262,294,330,349,392,440,494); CRong = 30; Cdai = 100; KCNgang = 80; KCDoc = 150; _MauPhim = LightGreen; var gd,gm: integer; MauPhim: array[1..SoPhim] of integer; k: char; TgPhat: integer; f: text; GA,Playing: Boolean; Procedure InPhimDan(i: integer); Begin if MauPhim[i] = _MauPhim then SetFillStyle(1,_MauPhim) else SetFillStyle(1,White); bar(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCDoc,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong,KCDoc + CDai); SetFillStyle(1,8); bar(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCdoc + CDai,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong, KCDoc + CDai + 5); SetFillStyle(1,LightGray); bar(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCdoc + CDai+5,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong, KCDoc + CDai + 10); SetColor(Black); Rectangle(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCDoc,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong,KCDoc + CDai+10); SetColor(Blue); OutTextXY(KCNgang+i*30+15,KCDoc+70,Phim[i]); OutTextXY(KCNgang+i*30+5,KCDoc+20,TenNot[i]); End; Procedure TaoDan; var i: integer; Begin SetFillStyle(1,Cyan); Bar(KCNgang + CRong - 10,KCDoc - 10,KCNgang + CRong*(SoPhim+1)+10,KCDoc+CDai+20); for i := 1 to SoPhim do InPhimDan(i); Setcolor(Brown); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir,3); OutTextXy(200,100,'P I A N O'); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir,1); OutTextXy(200,320,'Turn off VietKey before hitting.'); End; Procedure ShowDan; var trdo: string; Begin SetfillStyle(1,LightGreen); Bar(KCNgang+CRong,KCDoc+Cdai+20,KCNgang + (SoPhim+1)*Crong,KCDoc+CDai+60); {--Record--} SetFillStyle(1,Red); Bar(KCNgang+CRong+20,KCdoc + CDai+25,KCNgang+CRong+80,KCDoc+CDai+55); Setcolor(Black); if not GA then OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+25,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Record') else OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+25,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Rec...'); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+30,KCdoc + CDai+45,'( R )'); {--Truong Do--} SetFillStyle(1,Blue); Bar(KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-80,KCdoc + CDai+25, KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-10,KCDoc+CDai+55); Setcolor(Black); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-70,KCdoc + CDai+35,'T: '); Str(TgPhat,trDo); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-50,KCdoc + CDai+35,trdo); {--Play--} SetFillStyle(1,Yellow); Bar(KCNgang+CRong+170,KCdoc + CDai+25,KCNgang+CRong+230,KCDoc+CDai+55); Setcolor(Black); if not Playing then OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+185,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Play') else OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+185,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Stop'); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+180,KCdoc + CDai+45,'( P )'); End; Procedure GhiAm(kt:string;Am: integer); var s: array[1..3000] of string[4]; i,j: integer; Begin reset(f); i := 0; repeat inc(i); Readln(f,s[i]); until s[i] = ''; rewrite(f); for j := 1 to i-1 do writeln(f,s[j]); if kt = '' then Writeln(f,Am) else Writeln(f,kt,Am); Close(f); End; Procedure Play; var s: string; i,c,j:integer; Begin reset(f); repeat readln(f,s); Val(s,i,c); if c = 0 then begin Sound(AmThanh[i]); for j := 1 to SoPhim do if i = j then begin MauPhim[j] := _MauPhim; InPhimDan(j); end else if MauPhim[j] = _MauPhim then begin MauPhim[j] := White; InPhimDan(j); end; end else begin Val(Copy(s,2,Length(s)),i,c); Delay(i); NoSound; end; k := #0; if keypressed then k := readkey; until (s = '') or (k = 'p'); Playing := False; ShowDan; End; Procedure TruongDo; Begin if (k = #72) or (k = #80) then begin if (k = #72) and (TgPhat < 400) then inc(TgPhat,50) else if (k = #80) and (TgPhat > 50) then inc(TgPhat,-50); ShowDan; end; End; Procedure BatGhiAm; Begin if k = 'r' then begin if not GA then ReWrite(f); GA := not GA; ShowDan; end else if k = 'p' then begin Playing := True;ShowDan;Play;end; End; Procedure DanhDan; var i: integer; Begin k := #0; if keypressed then begin k := readkey;TruongDo;BatGhiAm;end; for i := 1 to SoPhim do begin if k = Phim[i] then begin MauPhim[i] := _MauPhim; Sound(AmThanh[i]); InPhimDan(i); if GA then begin GhiAm('',i); GhiAm('d',tgPhat); end; end else if MauPhim[i] = _MauPhim then begin MauPhim[i] := White; InPhimDan(i); end; end; if k <> #0 then delay(tgPhat); NoSound; End; BEGIN gd := EGA; gm := EGAHI; InitGraph(gd,gm,''); SetBkColor(Black); Assign(f,'GhiAm.txt'); {ReWrite(f);} { Bo dau ngoac trong lan chay dau tien, sau do dong lai} TaoDan; TgPhat := 200; GA := False; Playing := False; ShowDan; repeat DanhDan; if GA then ghiAm('d',23); until k = #27; CloseGraph; END.Program Piano; uses crt,graph; const SoPhim = 14; Phim: array[1..SoPhim] of char = ('a','s','d','f','g','h','j', '1','2','3','4','5','6','7'); TenNot: array[1..SoPhim] of string[3] = ('Do','Re','Mi','Fa', 'Sol','La','Si','Do"','Re"','Mi"','Fa"','Sol"','La"','Si"'); AmThanh: array[1..SoPhim] of integer = (131,147,165,175,196,220, 247,262,294,330,349,392,440,494); CRong = 30; Cdai = 100; KCNgang = 80; KCDoc = 150; _MauPhim = LightGreen; var gd,gm: integer; MauPhim: array[1..SoPhim] of integer; k: char; TgPhat: integer; f: text; GA,Playing: Boolean; Procedure InPhimDan(i: integer); Begin if MauPhim[i] = _MauPhim then SetFillStyle(1,_MauPhim) else SetFillStyle(1,White); bar(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCDoc,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong,KCDoc + CDai); SetFillStyle(1,8); bar(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCdoc + CDai,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong, KCDoc + CDai + 5); SetFillStyle(1,LightGray); bar(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCdoc + CDai+5,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong, KCDoc + CDai + 10); SetColor(Black); Rectangle(KCNgang+i*CRong,KCDoc,KCNgang+(i+1)*CRong,KCDoc + CDai+10); SetColor(Blue); OutTextXY(KCNgang+i*30+15,KCDoc+70,Phim[i]); OutTextXY(KCNgang+i*30+5,KCDoc+20,TenNot[i]); End; Procedure TaoDan; var i: integer; Begin SetFillStyle(1,Cyan); Bar(KCNgang + CRong - 10,KCDoc - 10,KCNgang + CRong*(SoPhim+1)+10,KCDoc+CDai+20); for i := 1 to SoPhim do InPhimDan(i); Setcolor(Brown); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir,3); OutTextXy(200,100,'P I A N O'); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir,1); OutTextXy(200,320,'Turn off VietKey before hitting.'); End; Procedure ShowDan; var trdo: string; Begin SetfillStyle(1,LightGreen); Bar(KCNgang+CRong,KCDoc+Cdai+20,KCNgang + (SoPhim+1)*Crong,KCDoc+CDai+60); {--Record--} SetFillStyle(1,Red); Bar(KCNgang+CRong+20,KCdoc + CDai+25,KCNgang+CRong+80,KCDoc+CDai+55); Setcolor(Black); if not GA then OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+25,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Record') else OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+25,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Rec...'); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+30,KCdoc + CDai+45,'( R )'); {--Truong Do--} SetFillStyle(1,Blue); Bar(KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-80,KCdoc + CDai+25, KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-10,KCDoc+CDai+55); Setcolor(Black); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-70,KCdoc + CDai+35,'T: '); Str(TgPhat,trDo); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong*(SoPhim+1)-50,KCdoc + CDai+35,trdo); {--Play--} SetFillStyle(1,Yellow); Bar(KCNgang+CRong+170,KCdoc + CDai+25,KCNgang+CRong+230,KCDoc+CDai+55); Setcolor(Black); if not Playing then OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+185,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Play') else OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+185,KCdoc + CDai+30,'Stop'); OutTextXy(KCNgang+CRong+180,KCdoc + CDai+45,'( P )'); End; Procedure GhiAm(kt:string;Am: integer); var s: array[1..3000] of string[4]; i,j: integer; Begin reset(f); i := 0; repeat inc(i); Readln(f,s[i]); until s[i] = ''; rewrite(f); for j := 1 to i-1 do writeln(f,s[j]); if kt = '' then Writeln(f,Am) else Writeln(f,kt,Am); Close(f); End; Procedure Play; var s: string; i,c,j:integer; Begin reset(f); repeat readln(f,s); Val(s,i,c); if c = 0 then begin Sound(AmThanh[i]); for j := 1 to SoPhim do if i = j then begin MauPhim[j] := _MauPhim; InPhimDan(j); end else if MauPhim[j] = _MauPhim then begin MauPhim[j] := White; InPhimDan(j); end; end else begin Val(Copy(s,2,Length(s)),i,c); Delay(i); NoSound; end; k := #0; if keypressed then k := readkey; until (s = '') or (k = 'p'); Playing := False; ShowDan; End; Procedure TruongDo; Begin if (k = #72) or (k = #80) then begin if (k = #72) and (TgPhat < 400) then inc(TgPhat,50) else if (k = #80) and (TgPhat > 50) then inc(TgPhat,-50); ShowDan; end; End; Procedure BatGhiAm; Begin if k = 'r' then begin if not GA then ReWrite(f); GA := not GA; ShowDan; end else if k = 'p' then begin Playing := True;ShowDan;Play;end; End; Procedure DanhDan; var i: integer; Begin k := #0; if keypressed then begin k := readkey;TruongDo;BatGhiAm;end; for i := 1 to SoPhim do begin if k = Phim[i] then begin MauPhim[i] := _MauPhim; Sound(AmThanh[i]); InPhimDan(i); if GA then begin GhiAm('',i); GhiAm('d',tgPhat); end; end else if MauPhim[i] = _MauPhim then begin MauPhim[i] := White; InPhimDan(i); end; end; if k <> #0 then delay(tgPhat); NoSound; End; BEGIN gd := EGA; gm := EGAHI; InitGraph(gd,gm,''); SetBkColor(Black); Assign(f,'GhiAm.txt'); {ReWrite(f);} { Bo dau ngoac trong lan chay dau tien, sau do dong lai} TaoDan; TgPhat := 200; GA := False; Playing := False; ShowDan; repeat DanhDan; if GA then ghiAm('d',23); until k = #27; CloseGraph; END.

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