Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Nghệ An , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 41
Số lượng câu trả lời 31
Điểm GP 1
Điểm SP 9

Người theo dõi (5)


Đang theo dõi (5)


Câu trả lời:

The environment is of great importance to human life. Each of us must have a sense of responsibility, together to build a cleaner and cleaner living environment.
First of all, in order to keep the school green, we have to plant and care for the trees in the school together. Every year, we have to participate fully in the plantations of the School Union. We will take care and protect the trees on the school grounds. Trees must be protected and care, not picking flowers, breaking branches. Especially the boys, should not climb the trees in the school. You should not climb flowers on phoenix trees, linden trees ... Our beloved garden will be greener if all of us are aware of the care and protection of trees. Classes will have to do the planting and tree care in the garden, school yard.
Every family, every citizen should have a sense of environmental protection. Clean house, clean village, clean street, clean school, clean hospital is the striving direction of the whole society. Shady trees, gardens will make the street scene more beautiful. No one throws rubbish out into the street, out in public. Scientific measures should be taken to treat industrial waste. Open canals, fill ponds, open the streets to make the environment green, clean beautiful. "A day without plastic bags" - the slogan should be implemented by the entire population

Eat a candy, before dropping it on the road, thinking about how it can affect the environment. Be knowledgeable people, to protect yourself and the people around you. What did you do?