The (0. EARLY) earliest form of tennis was played in the thirteenth century, when (1.
PARTICIPATE) hit the ball with their hands, instead of racquets. French monks were enthusiastic (2. PLAY) of the game, but the
Pope at the time strongly (3. APPROVE),
of it, and it was banned for being too frivolous. The religious authorities, however, were (4. ABLE) to prevent the growing (5. SUCCEED)
of the game and by the sixteenth century it had evolved into the sport of Real Tennis, which was played on an indoor court. The first tennis
balls were filled with hair and small stones - a (6. PAIN) experience for anyone who was hit by one. (7. LUCK) balls are now significantly (8. LIGHT)
consisting of two half shells of rubber covered with cloth. They are also more (9. COLOUR)
than before; bright yellow is a lot (10.
EASY) to see on our TV screens than the traditional white.
Penguins are (1. FLIGHT) birds which live south of the Equator. As their legs are
short, they (2. USUAL) stand upright and walk when they are on land. When they find (3. NEED) to travel at greater speed, they often drop on to their stomachs and slide
along. But it is at sea, (4. SPECIAL) when diving, that penguins really move fast, the
(5. WEIGH) of their streamlined bodies allowing them to reach a (6. DEEP) of up to 265 metres in some cases.
The sixteen species of penguin tend to look rather (7. LIKE) with black or dark blue
backs and white fronts. But (8. VARY)
in size and head patterns allow them to be (9.
IDENTIFY). The fact that a number of species spend their hold life in Antarctica
where there is little (10. PROTECT)
weather conditions, makes their continued
survival one of the wonders of the nature.