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Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 43
Số lượng câu trả lời 15
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 8

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Chủ đề:

Unit 3 : At home

Câu hỏi:



1.Deaf-mutes can ___________ speak ___________ hear .

a. 9 both … and b. 9 not only… but also c. 9 Neither … nor d. 9 either … or

2.Alexander Graham Bell was born _______________ March 3 , 1874 .

a. 9 in b. 9 on c. 9 at d. 9 during

3.They ____________ from Canada to America to find work .

a. 9 started b. 9 demontrated c. 9 delivered d. 9 emigrated

4.Would you like ______________ a message ?

a. 9 to leave b. 9 leave c. 9 leaving d. 9 left

5.Don’t come in .Please wait _____________ for your turn .

a. 9 inside b. 9 downstairs c. 9 outsides d. 9 upstairs

6.Our friends _________________ meet us at the airport tonight .

a. 9 are b. 9 are going to c. 9 go to d. 9 will be to

7.Could you __________ a message ? I want to leave your mom a message ?

a. 9 give b. 9 take c. 9 like d. 9 want

8.Bell started _____________ with rays of transmitting speech .

a. 9 experiment b. 9 to experimenting c. 9 experimenting d. 9 experimented

9.A person who can’t speak or hear is called a___________

a. 9 character b. 9 deaf c. 9 blind d. 9 deaf-mute

10.It is more expensive to use a .____________than a public phone.

a. 9 mobile phone b. 9 home phone c. 9 office phone d. 9 paper

11.You can see a lot of his paintings ( tranh ) in the next _____________

a. 9 service b. 9 exhibition c. 9 demonstrate d. 9 invention

12.I am going ______________the movie at 8 this evening

a. 9 see b. 9 seeing c. 9 to seeing d. 9 to see

13.It’s difficult for old people to walk _______________

a. 9 upstairs b. 9 inside c. 9 outside d.9 here

14.Let’s ___________ outside the movie theater.

a. 9 meet b. 9 to meet c. 9 meeting d. 9 be meet

15.The earth ________________ around the sun

a. 9 went b. 9 is going c. 9 goes d. 9 will go

16. Hoa isn’t old__________________ be in my class .

a. 9 enough b. 9 too c. 9 so d. 9 for

17.We _____________ two new fishing rods yesterday.

a. 9 buy b. 9 would buy c. 9 bought d. 9 buyed

18.You can use a (n) ________________ to record message when you are out

a. 9 telephone directory b. 9 mobile phone c. 9 fax machine d. 9 answering machine

19.The match was ________________ live all over the world

a. 9 traveled b. 9 demontrated c. 9 transmitted d. 9 arranged