Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 28
Số lượng câu trả lời 6
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 1

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I. Read the passage and do the tasks below:

The Rong House can only be found in villages to the north of the Central Highlands, especially in Gia Lai and Kon Turn provinces. It is a large, imposing, beautifully decorated stilt house built in the middle of the village. It is where community activities take place, meetings, wedding ceremonies, or playing ceremonies. It is also the place for reception of guests. The Rong house of each ethnic group has its own architectural style, design, and decor. Yet there are shared features. In the village, it is often the biggest house roofed with yellow-dried thatch leaves and having 8 big wood columns. The rafters are decorated with patterns of bright colour, depicting religious scenes, legendary stories about ancient heroes, stylized animals, and other familiar things of the village life. The most distinction of the decor of the Rong House is the painting of the brilliant God of Sun. The Rong House symbolizes the culture of Central Highlanders, an age-old and stable culture. The bigger the house, the wealthier the village is. It is a symbol of the whole village.

*. Read these sentences and write True (T) or False (F):

1. The Rong House can be found in all villages in Vietnam.

2. The Rong House is a large, imposing, beautifully decorated stilt house built outside the village.

3. It is also the place for reception of guests.

4. Many activities take place in The Rong House.

*. Answer the questions:

1. Where is the Rong house built?

à ________________________________________________________________________

2. What does The Rong house of each ethnic group have?

à _______________________________________________________________________

IV. Give the correct form of the words or verbs  in brackets.

1.   You should taste some ______________ of the local people there.  (special)

2.  __________ ao dai on special occasions is a custom in her company. (wear)

3.  The ________________ of people seem to prefer TV to radio. (major)

4.  China is the most __________________ country in the world.   (population)

5.     We always follow the tradition of _______ lunch together on the second day of Tet. (have)

6.     How long _________ you _________ this pair of shoes? (get)

7.     My area broke with tradition by ___________ fire crackers on New Year’s Eve. (not have)

8. We ________________ to Hung King Festival since last Sunday. (go)   

9.  It’s not ___________________ to tip in Viet Nam. (necessity)

10. ______________________ you ever ___________ a buffalo?   (see)        

11. The internet is very _________, it takes up a lot of our time. (addict)

12. _______________ ancestors have been followed by Vietnamese for ages. (worship)

types               important       hands              heads              polite              differently


13. Only a ________________ of British households don’t have a car.  (minor)


14. The Le Mat Snake _________________ is about the history of the village. (perform)

15. The Hmong boys like (play)_______________ the game đánh quay in spring.

16. In his free time, Trung often adores (make) _____________ crafts.

17. The people of Vietnam are diverse but very (peace)__________________.

18. In each village of Bahnar, there is a communal house, where public (act)_______ are held.

19. You do leisure activities in your free time and they make you feel (satisfy)______.

20. We speak English _________ now than last year. (fluent)

III. Choose the best answer or do the tasks as directed.

1.     The items on display in Da Nang Museum of (Cham / Thai / Tay) Sculpture are very interesting.

2.     The colour (red / yellow / green) of the five –coloured sticky rice represents the earth.

3.     I like (a / an / the) way she solved that problem.

4.     Under the new regulation, workers (have to / should / need) wear protective clothes.

5.  There’s a custom (that / for / of) eating moon cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival.

6.  We (followed / have followed / are following) this programme since last week.            

7.  (Who / What / Which) of your parents will go to the meeting?

8.     “It’s right up your street” means the type of something (you enjoy doing /you can find near your house / you don’t like).

9.     The time when the farmers collect their crops is (free time / leisure time / harvest time).

10. (Feeding / Herding / Ploughing) is taking the cattle out for food and looking after them.

11. We enjoy running around the fields, shouting and laughing (happy / happier / happily).

12. The abbreviation of “love” is (J /, <3 / n’).

13. She feels (sad / sadly / sadness) because of the bad result.

14. After school, he often helps his mother collect water (from / in / by) the river.

15. (Country/ City /Nomadic) life is hard because people have to move a lot.

16. In the Central Highland, the biggest and tallest house in the village is the (ger/communal house /stilt house).

17. (What / Where / Which) part of our country would you most like to live in?

18.This is (a / an / the) most interesting book I have ever read.

19. It’s the custom for the children in our family (going / go / to go) to bed at 9 o’clock.

20. You (must / should / have to) stop when the traffic light is red.

21. ‘Spot on” means (exactly / wonderful / totally correct).   

22. He told me (a / an / the) very interesting story last night.

23. There is a custom of (given / giving / give) presents at Christmas in my family.

24. This is (a / an / the) book I want you to read.

25. Five-coloured sticky rice is a (speciality / dish / tradition) in many parts of Viet Nam.

26. We like him because he is (a / an / the) honest person.

27. Tet is an occasion for family __________ in Viet Nam. (visitings / meetings / reunions)

28.The Le Mat Festival __________ the founding of the village. (worships / commemorates / performs)   

29.Saint Giong was unable to talk, smile, or walk __________ he was three years old.  (if / because / even though)

30.The English test was _______ than I thought it would be. (the easier / more easy / easier)

I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.                           

1. A. wanted                   B. washed                       C. danced                      

2. A. beds                        B. dogs                           C. books                                            

3. A. populated               B. opened                       C. played                       

4. A. community             B. computer                    C. customs

5. A. who                        B. when                          C. where     

6. A. pasture                   B. vast                            C. ancestor

7. A. stamp                     B. space                                    C. skateboard

8. A. camel                     B. cattle                          C. buffalo

9. A. addiction                          B. craft                           C. pasture

10. A. northern               B. earthen                       C. ethnic

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