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Số lượng câu hỏi 28
Số lượng câu trả lời 6
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Điểm SP 1

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I. Do as directed in brackets.

1. guest / to / host / until / wait / if / are / starts / you / eating / a / have / the /you

 (Rearrange the words to make a complete sentence)

à ______________________________________________________________________.

2. When /eat / India, you / not / always use / left hand. (Make a complete sentence)

à _____________________________________________________________________

3. The communal house is usually the largest, tallest, and most elaborate building in the village. (Make a question for the underlined words)


4. The water wheel is used to get water to the fields.    (Make a question for the underlined words) à_____________________________________________________________________

5. before/ there’s/ of/ Japanese house/ a/ shoes/ custom/ off/ a/ going/ your/ taking/ into   (rearrange the words to make a complete sentence)

à _______________________________________________________________________

6.  It’s very interesting to go abroad for holidays. (Rewrite the sentences using gerund)

à __________________________________________________________________

7.     We are both bad at swimming but I’m better than my sister.

à My sister swims __________________________________________________

8.     I don’t like to get up so early in the morning.  

à I detest ______________________________________________________.

9. The reason why Bella joined the festival was that she had a project on it. (Rewrite, using “Because”)

à _____________________________________________________________________.

10. Mr. Thompson doesn’t speak English as well as Mr. Dylan.

à Mr. Dylan speaks ______________________________________________________.

11. Life in a big city is more exciting than life in a small town.

à Life in a small town ____________________________________________________.

12. They love to hang out with friends.

à They fancy ___________________________________________________________.

13. They / enjoy / our / traditions / belonging /a/ because/ provide/ We / sense / with / these / family/ of (Rearrange the words to make a complete sentence)

à _______________________________________________________________________

14. Follow / tradition / take things / adults / both hands (Make a complete sentence)

à _________________________________________________________________________

15.In the countryside, children play more freely than in the city. (freely)

à In the city, children _______________________________________________________

16.Our gers are now better equipped than in the past. (badly)

à In the past, our gers _____________________________________________________

III. Read the passage carefully, and then choose the best answer.

In Viet Nam, a market is a trading place, but many markets are not only about buying and selling things. They reflect the life of the community. A traditional market is a social gathering point for people of all ages and it is a new and exciting experience for children, a trading place for local craftsmen, and a chance for young people to meet. People go to the traditional market not only to buy and sell things but also to eat, drink, play games and socialize. For example, if you go to Sa Pa Market, it is the highlands in the north of Viet Nam, you can see people wear their nicest clothes and spend all day long at the market. They buy things, play the flute, dance and sing. This is also a time to meet, make friends or look for lovers. That is why this kind of gathering is also called "love market". Some other countryside markets in the Mekong Delta are held on boats. Most of the goods are sold at a floating market. The most exciting time is in the early morning, when boats arrive loaded up with agricultural products.

1. A traditional market is a social gathering point for ___________________.

A. young people                       B. people of all ages                 C. local craftsmen

2. What can people do at the traditional market?

A. Sell and buy things only.    

B. Buy things and eat.                                

C. Buy and sell things, eat, drink, play games and socialize.

3. What do the ethnic people who go to Sa Pa Market do?

A. They wear their nicest clothes, buy things, play the flute, dance and sing.

B. They ride on a horse and sing.

C. They drink a lot of wine and dance.

4. Some of the markets in the Mekong Delta are held __________ are called floating markets.

A. along the roads                B. on the paddy fields                        C. on boats