Write a short article. Describe a healthy habit you know about and give some advice. Write 60-80 words. Turn to page 146 for the writing worksheet.
Write a short article. Describe a healthy habit you know about and give some advice. Write 60-80 words. Turn to page 146 for the writing worksheet.
Write advice with should or shouldn’t. Use the words in parentheses in each sentence.
a: He should see a doctor
b: You shouldn’t make noise
c: He should take a rest
d: She should rest for a week
e: You shouldn’t go out
Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Lê Phước ThịnhComplete the notes below with your own answers. Write phrases or full sentences.
A. Write the name of a heathy habit:
B. Some benefits of this habit:___________
C. Write more details about the first main benefits:__________
1. What is it?____________
2. Explain the idea with more details.
D. Write more details about the second main benefits
1. What is it?__________
2. Explain the idea with more details
A. Write the name of a heathy habit: Do exercise
B. Some benefits of this habit: control weight and reduce our risk of high blood pressure
C. Write more details about the first main benefits:
1. What is it? control weight
2. Explain the idea with more details.
a. Strong scientific evidence shows that physical activity can help you maintain your weight over time.
b. You can do exercise such as: go jogging, go swimming, cycle
D. Write more details about the second main benefits
1. What is it? Reduce our risk of high blood pressure
2. Explain the idea with more details
a. People who exercised more than four hours per week in their leisure time had a 19 percent lower risk of high blood pressure than people who didn’t exercise much.
Trả lời bởi Quoc Tran Anh LeNow write a short article on a separate sheet of paper. Describe a healthy habit and give some advice. Write 60-80 words.
Running has several health benefits. It helps to build muscles, changes mood and helps bring shape my body. Moreover, it strengthens the bones. Though many of the people argue that it helps to damage bones, they are in fact unaware of the benefits. So, I like to run in the morning. Mostly running helps to build inner muscles and breathing becomes easier. It also helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases and simultaneously burns calories. Running also helps to make a balanced weight. Sitting all day makes the body filled with calories and if anyone does not burn them, the chances to get affected with diseases increase.
Trả lời bởi Quoc Tran Anh Le
Heathy eating habits
Eating healthy is said to be the key to a healthy quality life.
Reduce the risk of diseases Eating healthy helps us prevent many diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart diseases and certain types of cancer and other health problems.
Improve physical heath Eating healthy offers stronger bones and muscles. It also helps you look and feel better and energized.
Trả lời bởi Quoc Tran Anh Le