Describe an extreme place. Write 60-80 words. Turn to page 142 for the writing worksheet.
Describe an extreme place. Write 60-80 words. Turn to page 142 for the writing worksheet.
Write sentences with superlatives. Use the prompts to help.
1: Everest is the highest mountain in the world
2: Almeria is the driest city in Europe
3: Phú Quốc is the largest island in Việt Nam
4: Tokyo is the most crowded city in Japan
5: Mercury is the closest to the Sun
Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Lê Phước ThịnhUnderline the superlatives in the paragraph below.
Now write a short description on a separate sheet of paper. Describe an extreme place. Write 60-80 words.
Vostok Station
With a population estimated at somewhere between 1,000 and 4,000 people, Antarctica is a land of extremes. The coldest and driest continent on the planet is home to Russia's Vostok Station, located near the south geomagnetic pole. On 21 July 1983, it was here that the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was recorded - a chilly -89.2 degrees celsius. Only reachable by vessels specially strengthened to protect against the ice, visitors who come to trek through the wilderness must come well-prepared - by which we mean knowledgeable guide.
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Atacama Desert
Northern Chile's Atacama Desert takes the prize for being one of the world's driest destination. In fact, it's so dry that NASA decided it was the perfect location to test its Martian rover. Lunar landscapes aside, it's also one of the best locations on earth to appreciate the Milky Way. The Atacama Desert's 41,000 square miles of diverse terrain includes spurting geysers, wind-sculpted golden dunes perfect for surfing and cliffs of colourfully striped strata known as Rainbow Valley. Sparsely populated, the Atacama Desert has several hotels to choose from that cater to tourists who come to explore the parched terrain.
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