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Đến từ Hà Nội , Chưa có thông tin
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Bamboo trees and majestic icon strong, bamboo Vietnam always associated with the integration heroes and national symbols. With some good essay on the topic compiled notes about bamboo trees that readers will certainly have a new look attack of bamboo in Vietnam.

Here is a collection of articles or, essay authors from many, many different sources on the topic Notes on bamboo. A theme is always new and more emotion to the author can gushing emotions to reveal the beauty of bamboo. Along with the essay form below to have a perspective, different feelings about Vietnam bamboo.

Bamboo stick with Vietnam farmers for thousands of years. Vietnam image from ancient villages attached to bamboo village - the dense bamboo spikes storm disaster wind and shielding for each Vietnamese village before raid, aggressors and invaders robbed - human ear.

Bamboo went into Vietnam as a cultural and idyllic image that is full of vitality, supple withstand natural disasters, storms and invaders. But in recent years, there is a sad fact that species diversity, practically in all aspects of life have been neglected and destroyed, degraded ... by many different causes.

In terms of features, with incalculable favorable properties of the bamboo used for the people of Vietnam: making homes (rafter, lintel, the wooden grill, wall ...), do countless things: fishing pole, the hooves shrimp shrimp distilled distilled, that, rafts, ponds and even bridge the bridge over the ditch, small canal;Husbands, do laundry arrows against foreign invaders ...