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Đến từ Nghệ An , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 4
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Câu hỏi:

Question 1: Read these passages and match the each passage to its title. There is ONE title you needn’t use(10 pts)

A. How I began D. My most frightening experience

B. The worst aspect of my hobby E. Why I like my hobby

C. My hopes for the future F. When and where I do it

1. __________ For me, every weekday begins the same: I get up at 7.00. I have breakfast, I take the bus to school, I go to lessons ... I don’t hate this daily routine, but it isn’t very thrilling. In the evenings, however, I drive Formula 1 cars, build enormous cities and defend my planet against aliens. In short, I play computer games. It’s like entering a different world. That’s why I love playing them so much.

2. __________My interest in computer games has taught me a lot about computer graphics. I want to study computing at college, and learn how to design and program games. Eventually, I’d like to start my own software company, creating and testing new games. That way, I could spend all day doing what I love most.

3. ____________Computer games are interesting because they often contain stories and characters. The games are getting better all the time, but they are also getting more expensive. The only thing I don’t like about my hobby is the cost! New games are often about $50.

4. ____________ Some of my friends from school are interested in computer games too. We normally meet at my house in the evenings and play for a few hours. We sometimes play at weekends, but if the weather’s good I prefer to go cycling or play basketball instead.

5. ____________ I first became interested in computer games about four years ago. I was staying with my cousin for the weekend. He had some games and he taught me how to play them. I became hooked immediately! When I got home, I decided to save all my money for buying games. Now I’ve got about twenty different games