Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Điện Biên , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 0
Số lượng câu trả lời 14
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 7

Người theo dõi (5)


Đang theo dõi (1)


Câu trả lời:

At present, the environment of soil, water and air is heavily polluted by human devastation. Neighborhood where you live, people often throw waste into the river outside the alley. There are a few households throwing rubbish into the street causing street hygiene, affecting the surrounding families, although the doctors told the residents, they still deliberately violated. At school, there are also many friends in the hour to play folding paper toys such as aircraft, ships, when not playing anymore, throw the paper to the school grounds or throw the shell of sweets, dislodged layers of bread. These actions have affected the environment and directly affected us. As a student, you will always train yourself for your environmental awareness and habits. Together with you, we will clean the class together cleanly, always dispose of garbage in the right place so that the school is always clean and students will have a good environment to study. On the occasion of Lunar New Year, we will grow trees that will both shade the school grounds and help keep the air fresh. You and your friends will work together to protect the environment, and you have committed acts of sabotage or harm to the environment. Besides, we will be with the doctors in the street population to keep the streets clean, no garbage. At the same time remind people to be aware of environmental protection, not to throw rubbish at the beach and do not dispose of garbage, sewage to rivers that cause unsanitary sanitation will in particular affect the water and air where we are born. wave. With such small actions, we will try to do well and constantly remind people to protect the environment as we protect our own lives.