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Điểm SP 3

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II/ Fill in the blanks with the comparative of the adverbs in the box easily early fast carefully high often hard long loud 1. We could have found the place more easily with a map. 2. We can’t hear. Could you speak a bit____________________? 3. I can’t jump any_______________ than that. 4. We are late. Can you walk_______________________ than that? 5. There are big traffic jams in big cities. They happen__________ nowadays. 6. Who works the________________ in your family? 7. Of all the student, Mark did the test the__________________. 8. The movie starts at eight, but we should get to the theater a few minutes _________________. 9. This exercise may take__________________ than we thought. III/ Complete the sentences. Use a superlative ( -est or most ...) or a comparative ( -er or more ...) 1. We stay at the ______________ hotel in the town. (cheap) 2. Our hotel was ______________ than all the others in the town. (cheap) 3. The United States is very large but Canada is ______________. (large) 4. What’s the__________________ river in the world? (long) 5. What is the________________ sport in your country? (popular) 6. Everest is the_____________ mountain in the world. It is ______________ than any other mountains. (high) 7. We had a great holiday. It was one of the______________ holidays we’re ever had. (enjoyable) 8. I prefer this chair to the other one. It’s ______________ . (comfortable) 9. What’s the______________ way of getting from here to the station? (quick) 10. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have got three daughters. The______________ is 14 years old. (old)