Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
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I. Complete the sentences with the correct phrase from the list. Write the letter of the phrase.

a.    can’t be him

b.    can’t be true

c.    may not be

d.    may not speak

e.    must not get

f.    must not like


22.     A: I can’t hear the singers! That man sitting behind us is snoring in his sleep!

        B: I hear him! He ............................................................ opera.

23.     A: Look! Isn’t that our history professor over there? In the yellow sweater!

        B: No, that ............................................................. He’s in Tokyo this week, giving a presentation.

24.     A: This coffee doesn’t taste very good. It’s supposed to be 100 percent Arabica.

        B: It ........................................................... 100 percent Arabica. Maybe they mixed it with something else. Maybe it’s a blend.

25.     A: Who is that woman standing alone over there? She isn’t talking to anyone.

        B: Well, she ................................................................... any English. Or maybe she’s very shy. Anyway, let’s go over and try to talk to her.

26.     A: Jane has been accepted at Harvard, I heard.

        B: No way! That ............................................................... She isn’t even a good student.

27.     A: Did you see the new pickup truck that Mario’s driving?

        B: I sure did. It’s very big. It ............................................................ good gas mileage.

