Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 75
Số lượng câu trả lời 5
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 2

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I. Choose the best answer
1. If she............................time, she will write to you.
a/ have                b/ has                 c/ will have                      d/ had
2. If you want to lose weight , you ...........................go on a strict diet.
a/ can              b/ could                c/ should                d/ might
3. If Mary doesn’t improve in English, we.................... find a tutor for her.
a/ might            b/ could               c/ have to                    d/ would

4. You .......................pass the driving test, if you follow the instructor’s advice.
a/ ought            b/ can                c/ could                     d/ had
5. If you study hard, you.......................pass the exam.
a/ would            b/ will             c/ must                  d/ should
6. She asked me if I ....................................pop music.
a/ liked           b/ likes                c/ like                     d/ has liked
7. She asked me ...................
a/ if I am thirsty     b/ If I was thirsty      c/ If I were thirsty          d/ If was I thirsty
8. The man asked me if I ............................a student.
a/ am            b/ were             c/ was              d/ will be
9. He said he .....................to visit me the following day.
a/ will come        b/ would come          c/ came               d/ come
10. She asked him if he ..........................play tennis.
a/ can           b/ will            c/ would                d/ must
11. His father asked him if he ........................the exam.
a/ pass          b/ passed                c/ will pass                   d/ passes
12. He asked me where I ......................... then ?
a/ live           b/ lived              c/ would live                  d/ had lived
13. My father said I ...........................learn hard.
a/ have to          b/ must               c/ had to                    d/ can
14. She aksed me how many languages I ..........................
a/ can speak       b/ could speak           c/ speak              d/ will speak
15. I asked his brother how he......................to school.
a/ goes       b / go             c/ will go               d/ went