II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the superlative adjective.
Her computer is the …………………………... (new).
Those glasses are the …………………………... (nice) in the store.
She is the …………………………... (old) person in her family.
Mr. Kendrick is the………. (good) teacher in the school.
My puppy is the …………………………... (young) of all my friends' dogs.
These books are the …………………………... (expensive) books in the store.
I am the …………………………... (bad) soccer player on the team.
These oranges are the …………………………... (sweet) type of orange.
He is the …………………………... (hard) worker in his company.
That was the …………………………... (interesting) movie I have ever seen.
This armchair is …………………………... than the old one. (comfortable)
Trains are …………………………... than aeroplanes. (slow)
I bought the…………………………... souvenir I could afford. (expensive)
In this classroom there are …………………………... girls than boys. (many)
Ann is the …………………………... child in the family. (young)
That TV set is the …………………………... of all. (cheap)
You are …………………………... here than there. (safe)
Fifi is …………………………... than Kate. (pretty)
This is the …………………………... film i have ever seen. (exciting)
Tim is …………………………... than Peter. (talented)
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the comparative adjective.
The red jacket is …………………………... (cheap) than the blue jacket.
The shoes are …………………………... (nice) than the boots.
The pink socks are …………………………... (expensive) than the white socks.
The brown sweater is …………………………... (good) than the blue sweater.
The chocolate looks …………………………... (bad) than the candy.
The radio is …………………………... (new) than the DVD player.
The Cds are …………………………... (old) than the DVDs.
These apples are …………………………... (bright) than those apples.
This dress is …………………………... (beautiful) than that dress.
Those green tomatoes are …………………………... (sweet) than the red tomatoes.
We stayed at the …………………………... hotel in the town. (cheap)
Our hotel was …………………………... than all the others in the town. (cheap)
The United States of America is large but Canada is …………………………... . (large)
What's …………………………... canal in the world? (long)
He looked a bit sad yesterday but he looks …………………………... today. (happy)
It was a terrible journey. It was …………………………... journey of my life. (bad)
Ali, can you tell me what …………………………... sport in your country is? (popular)
Everest is …………………………... mountain in the world. (high)
We had a great holiday. It was one of ……………... holidays we've ever had. (enjoyable)
I prefer this bed to the other one. It's …………………………... . (comfortable)
What's …………………………... way of getting from here to the station? (quick)
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy have got four daughters. …………………………... is 14. (old)