Exercise 20: Phrasal verbs with TAKE
1. He only ___ golf because his doctor told he would have to get more exercise.
2.When I first heard the announcement, I was too busy cooking to ………….. it……………. properly.
3. Our local pub hasn't had the same atmosphere since it was ___ by one of the big breweries.
6. My daughter's not a bit like me. She seems to ___ her father in the way she acts.
8. However keen you are to make a success of the business, it's important not to………………. more work than you can reasonably manage.
10.Thank you for that explanation of union views but there is one point I'd like to………….. you………….. on, if I may. Is it really true to say...?
11. Do you have trouble obtaining your copy of Teacher's Weekly? Why not……………... a regular subscription and be sure of receiving each edition as soon as it's published?
12. The problem with losing weight, I find, is that all your clothes need to be………………………….