Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 91
Số lượng câu trả lời 2
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 1

Người theo dõi (1)

Đang theo dõi (0)


Part 1:


1. His sense of humon distinguishes him.................often

2. Nobody was in the room at that time,............ they?

3. I believe UFOs exist.................. articles and reports in newspapers talk lots about UFO appearance

4. Passover is an ancient spring festival................. occurs in late March or early April

5. Have jeans ever been out................ fashion?

6. He shouted and looked.....................at me when I broke the vase

Part 2:

1... I asked himA. the concert next week?
2... How about going toB. a holiday next week
3... I might be able toC. preasentation since last Tuesday
4... I wish she hadD. to stay longer today
5... Peter will haveF. where he would go no holiday
6... We have given theG. attend the conference next week

Part 3:

1. He will be healthier if he.......................... so much (not/ smoke)

2. Many of my classmates...................... the famous Phong Nhan Cave (never/ see)

3. We wish we...................... a literature exam today (not/ have)

4. Kieu's story........................ by Nguyen Du a long time ago (write)

5. He did the test............................... and went home disappointedly (success)

6. Many has made a good............................. on this matter (decide)

7. The teachers at his language center are........................... (well-qualily)

8. I feel...................... when I wear these shoes because they are too big. (comfort)

Part 4:

1. Who is going to look for your children while you are away?


2. Mrs. Thanh said that she would fly to Paris tomorrow


Part 5:

1. In spte of her broken logs, she managed to get out of the car

-> Although her_____________________ she managed to get out of the car

2. Peter is busy. As a result, he can't join us

-> If Peter were not busy,______________________

3. They have visited the factory since last week. The factory produces agricultural products

-> The factory_____________________ since last week produces agricultural products

4. Theyare going to build a new hospital in my village

-> A new hospital is__________________ in my village

Part 6: 

 The Internet has rapidly developed and become part of our daily life.It is a very fast and convenient way to get information.People use the Internet for such a lot of purposes as education,communication,entertainment and commerce.The Internet helps people communicate with their friends and relatives by means of e-mail or chatting.Howevere,the Internet also has some limitations.It is not only time-consuming and costly but also dangerous because of viruses and bad programs.Moreover ,the Internet users sometimes have to suffer various ricks such as spam or electronic junk mail and personal information leaking.So,while enjoying surfing,be alert!

1. It is uneasy to get information when using the Internet


2. We can communicate with our friends by means of e-mail


3. There are many viruses and bad programs on the Internet


4. Be careful when enjoying surfing



Part 1:

even thoughexpensivewhereconsquentlytraditionalofimportantwhich

1. Solar panels are placed on the roof of the house.............. they can get the sun's energy

2. Hue, ..........was recognixed by UNESCO as World Heritage Site on 1993, attracts thousands of tourists

4. The aso dai is the............ dress of Vietnamese woman

5. Our parents will be very pround............. us when we pass the exam 

6. Mrs. Thoa is generous to the poor................ she is not rich

Part 2:

1.... Many foreigners enjoy the festival in Binh Dinh ProvinceA. by the sea is Malaysia
2.... The Asean country which is divided into two regionsB. I would pas the entrance examination grade 10 next June
3.... Tom hadC. since it is one of their subjects
4.... We will live a happier and healthier lifeD. if we keep our environment clean
5. Many boys and girls learn English at schoolF. his car inended by a machanic
6. If onlyG. though they do not understand the people and the culture of Binh Dinh Province very much

Part 3:

1. Hoa regrets (not/ watch).................. that film last night

2. If we had an alarm clock, we (arrive)............at the school on time

3. Mr. Nam told me that he (pay).............. a visit to Ha Long Bay the year after

4. We suggest (play)............. badminton today

5. He (work).............. for this company since he was 20 yaers ola

6. Spending too much time playing video games makes your eyes (harm)...........

7. Our football team couln't win the match. We were (success)...........

8. The story is written in (rich)............ ortic language

Part 4:

1. Nowadays, viewrs can watch a variety of local and internation

programs on .........->...........

2. An essay on the life of Pesident Ho Chi Minh would like to write by Hung


Part 5:

1. We will have to take the entrance exam to high school next June 

-> The entrance exam to high school will_________________ by us next June

2. It takes Minh 2 hours to do his home work every day

-> Minh___________________ his homeworl every day

3. If someone doesn't put the coal in, the fire will go out

-> The fire will go out_______________ the coal in

4. The library in Quy Nhon University is very modern. I visited it two weeks ago

-> The library in Quy Nhon University_______________two weeks ago, is very modern

Part 6: T or F

 Our oceans are becoming extremely polluted. Most of this pollution comes from the land, which means it comes from people. Firstly, there is raw sewage, which is directly pumped into the sea. Many countries, both developed and developing are guilty of doing this. Secondly, ships drop about 6 million tons of garbage into the sea each year. Thirdly, there are oil spills from ships. A ship has an accident and oil leaks from the vessel. This not only pollutes the water, but it also kills marine life. Next, there are waste materials from factories. Without proper regulations, factory owners let the waste run directly into the rivers, which led to the sea. And finally, oil is from the land. This can be the result of carelessness or a deliberate dumping of waste.

1. Today our oceans are becoming extremely polluted as raw sewage is pumped directly into the sea   ....

2. Ships drop about 6 millions tons of trash into the sea each year  ....

3. Oil from oil leaks of the vessel neither polluted the water, the air, the land nor kills marine life  ....

4. If there were proper regulations, factory owners wouln't let the waste run directly into the rivers, which then leads to the sea  ....



Part 1:


1. Must we bearn French? No, we..........

2. Most visitors are really............by the beauty of Ha Noi and the friendliness of its people

3. Thu Ha is not satis fied..............her preparations for Tet

4. A:"My father couldn't fix the TV set"

    B:"Why don't you................. for a repairman?"

5. Why don't you go to the Brighton Language Center in United Kingdom?

6. He is the thief..............I think is wanted by the police

Part 2:

1..... I hopeA. As a result, he will be punished by his form teacher
2..... My father a dvised usB. since he left university
3..... Tom asked meC. what aspects of learning English I found most difficult
4..... He has worked for the companyD. not to spend too much time plauing computer games
5..... Trung is often late for schoolF. to be invited to her birthday party next week
6..... I wishG. I could win the game

Part 3:

1. Just as my mother (cook)................dinner, the telepone rang

2. How much time do you spend (surf)............. the web a day?

3. It is time we (go).........home

4. Cousin Mai said that she (visit)............Ho Chi Minh city the week after

5. I suggest thet you (try)............ your best to study English better

6. There is always a traffic jam here. The road needs to be (wide)

7. A lot of (culture)............. activities were held in Hue last week

8. Her hourse is (convenience)............... situated near the beach. She can go swimming every day

Part 4:

1. Water and land around the chemical factory are serious polluted     


2. If people stop using dynamite for fishing, sea creatures will well-preserve


Part 5:

1. My English is not good. As a result, I don't feel confident at interiews

-> If_________________ I wuold feel confident at interviews

2. "Shall we go to the English-speaking club tomorrow?" Andrew said

-> Andrew suggested__________________ speaking club the day after

3. I'm disappointed that people have spoiled this area

-> I'm disappointed that this_______________

4. The picture book is beautyful. I read it last night

-> The picter book_______________ last nights is very beautiful

Part 6: T or F

If you travel by air across the center of Africa or South America, you fly over forests for thousands of kilometers. These great forests are the oceans of trees. There are thousands and thousands of different kinds of plants and animals.

However, the world’s forests are getting smaller all the time. We are cutting down the trees because we need wood, and we need more farmland. Some people say that there will not be any forests like these in 20 or 30 years. What will happen if they disappear?

If we cut down our forests, a lot of plants and animals will disappear from the world. In a lot of places the new farmland will soon look like the old deserts. Crops will not grow there. It will not rain very often, and the weather will get very hot. Perhaps the climate of the world will change. This will be dangerous for everyone in the world. That is why we must take care of our forests.

1. In some people's view, in 20 or 30 years, we will have forests like

those in the center of Africa      ...

2. Forests are home for the same kinds of animals        ...

3. The need for more wood and move land results in several squares kilomesters large      ...

4. The writer thinks that it is unnecessary for every one to take care of the world    ...


Part 1:


1. She was really impressed................. the beauty of the city

2. He was tired,..................... he took a rest before continuing his work

3. She is very good...................... English

4. We went on working........................ it started to rain

5. He suggests..................... morning exercises every day

6. Neil Armstrong,...................... walked on the moon, is an American

Part 2:

1. The book is anout a girlB. who runs away from home
2. I didn't recognize herC. you should do more exercise
3. Alexandre Bell was the manD. although the joke was funny
4. It's rainingE. so she passed her exam
5. If you want to lose weightF. so I can't go to the beach
6. Hoa worked hardG. who invented the telephone

Part 3:

1. The food should (cook)............. well before we eat it

2. Be careful! The oil (boil).................. in the pan

3. He has decided (apply)................ for the job in a foreigh conpany

4. My ther suggested (have)............... a picnic to the countryside this weeked

5. We (not meet)............each other for over ten years

6. Everyone knows the (important)............... of learning English

7. In some areas, water has to be boiled to (pure)..................it

8. (Tradition).................., the "Ao dai" is won by both men and women

Part 4:

1. I suggest get some tool to ccheck cracks in the pipes. .............->.............

2. Would you mind turning off the light because the room is getting dark .


3. Nam studies very hardly, so he always gets good marks


4. Mr. Quang usually reads a newspaper, does he?


Part 5:

1. They are doing the housework at the moment

-> The housework............................... at the moment

2. The teacher asked Nam, "How many people are there in your family?"

-> The teacher asked Nam how many people........................... family

3. In spite of the heavy snow, they decided to have a picnic

-> Although........................... they decided to have a picnic

4. I like the full-moon festival. It's celebrated in mid-fall

-> The full- moon festival......................... celebrated in mid-fall


Part 1:


1. ............... the 3rd day of the Lunar New Year, students often pay their teachers a visit

2. You didn't play computer games last night, .................... you?

3. She told me that she ................... visit her grandparents the year after

4. Our little son was sleepy when we were walking to the park;..............., we went home early

5. People.................. do not love nature may not love anything else in life

6. You won't pass this entrance exam.................. you don't work hard enough

Part 2:

1. I suggest that we shouldA. energy to run a 60-watt light bulb for 6 hours
2. A recycled plastic botle saves enoughB. speaks very good English
3. She asked meC. you could have a longer vacation
4. Watching TV all day is a bad habitD. as we get no exercise and eat unbhealthy snacks
5. Mr. Loc, who teaches Maths here,G. prohibit people from catching fish by using electricity
6. I wishF. if I was an exchange student

Part 3:

1. Unless the flowers................. regularrr. [water]

2. We all expect than Anh Vien............the most outstanding athlete in this SE GAMES. [become]

3. He................. five comic books since last Monday. [read]

4. The teacher suggested...................... these units carefully. [revise]

5. I can also.............with my friends by means of e-mails. [communicate]

6. Have you read the.................. of our school closing ceremony? [annonuce]

7. The neast stage in the development of television is.................... TV. [active]

8. Some.............. have raised people's awareness of rjinos' protection. [conservation]

Part 4:

1. One of the great pleasures of to travel to another country is eating different dishes


2. The drought that caused by EI Nino weather patterns is hitting Thailand and Cambodia 


Part 5:

1. Minh does not speak English as well as Lan

-> Minh wishes he................ well as Lan

2. Bill is using the computer at the moment

->The computer..................... Bill at the moment

3. My father said, "I'm leaving for Ha Noi tomorrow"

-> My father said that................... for Ha Noi the day after

4. You can find pencils. They're in this drawer

-> The pencils that........................ in this drawer


Part 1:


1. What did you do...........Christmas?

2. I'm looking....................to meeting her very much

3. Don't forget,........................... you?

4. I haven't got a car...................I've got a motorbike

5. The car...................... won the race last year looked very futuristic

6. If you go................... littering, the environment will become seriously polluted

Part 2:

1. You will need a basketa. when they go to supermarkets
2. She askedb. and it is also the largest city in the country
3. People buy a lot of goodsc. because it is made by a certain company
4. Mike wishesd. if you want to buy a lot of things
5. The capital of Indonesia is Jakartae. he had money to send his children to school
6. Many people like to buy a productf. how many languages I could speak

Part 3:

1. They (live)................ here for many years now

2. The boy who (wear).................... a white T-shirt is my new friends

3. They spent a lot of time (clean)...................... up the area

4. My father (give).................. me flowers on my birthday last week

5. I suggested (help)..................... our mother with the housework

6. (consume).................... always want cheap, effective products and services

7. When there is a (volcano)................... eruption, hundreds of people may lose their lives

8. We can save electricity by the (replace)................ of ordinary 100-watt lisght bulbs with energy saving bulbs

Part 4:

1. During the typhoon, the market will being closed and no food will be available


2. The eartquake in Kobe, Japan in 1995 cause severely damage to the building there


Part 5:

1. They gave me two hours to make my decision

->I ............................ to make my decision

2. It's a pity the weather isn't better today

->I wish.............................. today

3. "Can you speak any foreign languages?" She asked

->She asked........................... any foreign languages

4. Do you know the shop? It sells good coffee

->Do you know the shop............................ good coffee?



Part 1:


1. Is Kuala Lumpur very different____________ Ha Noi?

2. Mr. Hai wuold drive to work_________________ he had a car

3. Yesterday I saw lots of people and animals_______________came from every direction

4. Mrs. Lien helped her son with his homework ________________ she was tired

5. We haven't met________________ we left school

6. Tom_______________ me that he wuold come to see me the next day

Part 2:

1. I won't go outA. if I spoke any other languages
2. She asked meB. while Maryam was praying
3. She wishes thatC. if it rain heavily this evening
4. Lan enjoyed the peaceful atmosphereD. in orther to keep our environment unpolluted
5. People have to wear gauze marks in the streetsE. it wuold rain tonight
6. We shouldn't drop litter in public placesF. because there is too much echaust fume

Part 3:

1. The weather is terrible today. If the weather (be).......... good, I (go)........... for a walk

2. Yesterday, when we visited them, they (have)..............dinner

3. I wrote to my pen-pal 2 moths ago, but I (not receive)............ his reply since then

4. We wuold rather (stay)............ at home than go out on rainy days

5. My house (build).................... at present

6. The accident happened because he drove (care)................

7. You should buy this book. It's very (inform).........................

Part 4:

 1. Mrs. Nga speaks English fluent to Paris the day after. ...............->...............

2. Mrs. Thanh said that she flew to Paris the day after. ............->.............

Part 5:

1. Peter lives far from school

-> Peter wishes................................ far from school

2. The man is my new boss. He is talking to the lady over there

-> The man............................ the lady over there is my new boss

3. Nobody can deny the benefits of the Internet

-> The benefits of the Internet.............................................

4. "Do you live here?" the postman said to me

-> The postman asked me..............................................


Part 1:


1. I can complete a ............. Vietnamese test if necessary

2. Plastic bags are very hard to ............., they will cause pollution

3. I suggest .............. lessons to poor children

4. we should prepare food............... before turning on the stove

5. Some designers have taken................. from Viet Nam's ethnic minorities

6. What aspect of.............. English do you find most difficult?

Part 2:

1. I like reading booksa. you shuold work harder on your pronunciation
2. Let me congratulateb. that people have spoiled this area
3. I suggest thatc. how I learned English in my country
4. I'm disappointedd. which tell about different peoples and their cultures
5. It wuold be bettere. you on your nomination
6. He asked mef. if you reuse and recycle bottles and cans

Part 3:

1. Wearing uniforms ............... students to be pround of being students of their school. (encour age)

2. . Would you mind................in the front of seat of the taxi? (sit)

3. Nga and Maryam.................. for Lan outside her school at present. (wait)

4. Islam is Malaysia's............... relision (office)

5. I............... your school's advertisement in today's adition of the Vit Nam News last week. (week)

6. She .............English in secondary school since she graduated from university. (teach)

7. The next stage in the development of television is ...............TV. (interact)

8. Easter is a joyful festival which................... in many countries. (celebrate)

Part 4:

1/ He wishes that he can go out with us tornight ..........->...........

2/ I have special gifts and parties for my mom every year on the 8th in March ...........->..........

3/ Hoa isn't satisfying with her preparation for Tet. ...........->............

4/ If we go on wasting water, there is a shortage of fresh water in a few decades. ............->............

Part 5:

1. The player lives in Nghe An Province. He plays football skillfully

-> The player..................... lives in Nghe An Province

2. Ha took the new camera back  to the shop because it didn't work

-> The new camera..................... took it back to the shop

3. We have to do the test carefully

-> The task........................... carefully

4. Because Tuan doesn't study harder, he doesn't get good grades

->  If Tuan................................ get better grades