Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 16
Số lượng câu trả lời 0
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

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1.  A fairy appeared and…………changed her old clothes. (magic)

2.  The tiger wanted to see the farmer’s…………….(wise)

3. In that story, the prince got……………to a poor girl. (marry)

4.  Let me get an………………form and I can fill out. (apply)

5. He was……………..to say that English is helpless. (fool)

6. That little girl can dance…………… . (beauty)

7.  Since her …………….. the room has been full of laughter. (arrive)

8.  Most modern buildings has underground …………… lots. (park)

9.  I went to the …………….. store to buy something. (grocer)

10.  There is no water left in the ………………… well. (near)

11.  He is now studying in the USA as an ………… student. (change)

12.  They have a good ……………… of stamps. (collect)

13.  Goods are …………………. as long as they are returned in good condition. (change)

14.  The party …………….. twenty bottles from various parts of the house yesterday. (collect)

15.  When did you start ……………… antique glass? (collect)  

16.  We like their………………... (friendly)

17.  The ………………. between Vietnam and China is not good. (friend)  

18.  They seem to be……………. . We dislike them. (friend)  

19.  There will be a …………….. in this street. (meet)  

20.  We saw ……………….girls there. (beauty)  

21.  The garden is …………………with trees and flowers. (beauty)  

22.  They enjoy the………………….. atmosphere here. (peace)  

23.  The ……………….unit of currency is the Ringgit. (Malaysia)  

24.  In……………….., there are other religions. (add)