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Câu trả lời:

Read the following passage, and choose the best answer for each blank.

The British spend their free time in different ways. People generally use it to ralax. But many people also(1)_do__voluntary work, expecially for charities.

People spend a lot of their free time in the home, where the(2)__most____popular leisure activity is watching television, the average viewing time being 25 hours a week. People often(3)__record______programs on video so that they can watch later, and video rental shop.

Reading is also a favourite way of spending leisure time. The British spend a lot of time reading newspapers and magazines.

In the summer gardening is popular, and in winter it is often raplaced by "do-it-yourself",(4)__when__people spend their time improving or repairing their homes. Many people have pets to look after: talking the dog for a daily walk is a regular routine.

The extra leisure time(5)_available__at the weekends means that some leisure activities, many of them to do with sports, nomally(6)_take___place only then. Traditional spectator sports include football, crickets, horse racing, motor cycle racing. Popular form of(7)_exercise__are swimming, tennis, ice-skating or roller skating, cycling, climbing, and hill or country walking.

Families often have a "day out" at the weekend, espacially in summer, with a(8)_visit__to a local event such as a festival, fair or show. Young people especially go to clubs and discos, while people of all(9)__ages__go to the theatre, the cinema, art exhibitions and concerts.