Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Hà Nội , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 0
Số lượng câu trả lời 68
Điểm GP 16
Điểm SP 76

Người theo dõi (17)

Đang theo dõi (1)


Câu trả lời:

1. She was very surprised________ the grade she received.

     A. at                                 B. on                         C. of                            D. about

2. We might need more food, depending____ how many people turn up.

     A. for                               B. on                         C. at                            D. with

3. Jane doesn't spend much money______ clothes.

     A. over                             B. about                   C. at                            D. on

4. She always takes good care_______ her children.

     A. for                               B. in                          C. of                            D. with

5. A sign warned motorists______ dangers.

     A. of                                 B. for                        C. about                  D. A and C

6. They translated the letter ______ French.

     A. for                               B. with                      C. into                        D. about

7. I was disappointed________ the grade I received on my last essay.

     A. for                               B. about                   C. to                        D. A and B

8. The medical center is close ________ campus.

     A. to                                 B. for                        C. up                           D. with

9. We went there_______ car and stayed there for the whole day.

     A. in                                 B. on                         C. with                        D. by

10.     We started our journey ______ foot.

     A. with                             B. by                         C. on                           D. in

11.     He always prevents me_______ doing my duty.

     A. of                                 B. from                     C. with                        D. against

12.     I write letters _______ my right hand.

     A. in                                 B. by                         C. with                        D. at

13.     The war victims suffered terribly______ coldness and hunger.

     A. with                             B. from                     C. through                  D. of

14.     She is absent_______ class

     A. at                                 B. from                     C. to                            D. away

15.     It is very nice______ you to take care of my parents.

     A. of                                 B. to                          C. for                          D. from

16.     You may write________ pencil.

     A. with                             B. by                         C. in                            D. on

17.     He congratulated me_______ winning the competition.

     A. of                                 B. on                         C. at                            D. about

18.     Remember me________ your parents.

     A. to                                 B. for                        C. with                        D. about

19.     Mr. Nguyen lives_____ 67 Nguyen Du Street ______ Ha Noi.

     A. in/ in                           B. at/ in                    C. on/ in                     D. in/ on

20.     We reached______ her house safe and sound.

     A. at                                 B. to                          C. with                        D. X

Câu trả lời:

1. Her word isn't the same .... her old office friend's.

a. about        b. at       c. without        d. as

2. My father can't see ..... his glasses

a. next to         b. without       c. in         d. with

3. She will cook lunch .... the time we come

a. to        b. with        c. toward        d. by

4. Do you take sugar ...... your coffee?

a. with          b. or         c. at          d. to

5. Our class begins ...... 7 o'clock ...... 11.30' everymorning

a. at/ at          b. from/ to       c. since/ from       d. at/ and

6. I thanked him .... the information.

a. with          b. by             c. for         d. about

7. I spoke to him .... the phone yesterday.

a. with        b. by           c. at             d. on

8.There is the map on the wall just ..... the teacher's desk

a. from           b. above        c. before       d. in front of

9. February comes ...... March

a. behind       b. after        c. before      d. during

10. "Tall" is the opposite ..... "short"

a. to          b. of        c. against     d. with

11. It's 2 years ..... Covid 19 padalmic broke out'

a. when         b.in           c. since         d. on

12. Yesterday, she and her friends had a party at school, ...?

a. did they          b. didn't she          c. did she         d. didn't they

13. ...... beautiful house!

a. It's a          b. He has a         c. what a        d. all

14. You haven't read this article on the website, .....?

a. don't you        b. do you         c. haven't you     d. have you

15. ...... is very good for your heath

a. jogging         b. smoking         c. looking          d. drinking

16. She can't fix her computer so she ..... her friend do it.

a. ask           b. like        c. want        d. has

17. He wants to know where .... last year

a. did she work      b. does she worked    c. she worked      d. was she working

18. " What .... going to HN tomorrow?"

a. to         b. in        c. about      d. for