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Chủ đề:

Unit 12 : A Vacation abroad

Câu hỏi:

. III. Read the passage and answer the questions.(1,5ms)Hoa has a pen-pal in the USA. His name is Tim. They regularly correspond. A month ago, Tim wrote to Hoa toinform that he and his family would go to Vietnam on vacation. Yesterday, Hoa went to Noi Bai International Airportto meet them. On their way to the hotel, they enjoyed seeing the beautiful sights along the road. Shannon, who had never seen rice paddies before, was amazed at the farmland. The sugar cane crop also seemedto her. Tim sat back admiring the magnificent views of the surrounding countryside. This was the first time he hasbeen to Vietnam. The car had to stop same times for him to take pictures. The journey from the airport to the hoteltook about 40 minutes. They arrived at the hotel at 6 p.m. They checked in, then went to their room on the secondfloor. They were excited about planning the sightseeing tour of the city following day

1. Do Hoa and Tim often write to each other?


2. How did Tim’s family travel to Viet Nam?


3. Did they go to Vietnam on business or on vacation?


4. Why was Shannon amazed at the farmland?


5. Why did the car have to stop same times?


6. What were they going to do the next day?


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