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Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.   It is generally accepted that teenage is a difficult period of life for the teenagers and even for the parents. Frequent fighting over the most trivial things is one main characteristic of every household with a teenager. Parents expect their children to come back home earlier. What parents consider the reasonable time limit is not accepted by their teens. Curfew and time restrictions become one of the main reasons for fights. Teenage is a time when a lot of kids want to show their independence. The problem arises when parents, fearing the safety of their teens, often refuse to give them their own bikes or motorbikes. This, of course, leads to more fights. A decrease in grades due to increasing difficulty level of school work, newer subjects, more socializing is very common among teens but their parents are not sympathetic. Parents try to impose studying rules and insist that their teens finish their homework before going out. This makes the situation worse. That children spend too much time on the phone is one complaint that most parents have. The age of smartphones has ensured that kids put their smartphones above almost everything else. Parents, however, worry that teens spending too much time on their phones lose out on family time and real human interaction, besides harming their eyes. Teenagers develop a taste for unhealthy but delicious fast food, while parents believe that a growing body needs proper nutrition. As cold drinks, burgers and pizzas replace wholesome, home cooked meals, parents worry. Moreover, teenage is a time when kids become more and more conscious of their weight and body image. To achieve the ‘ideal’ thin body type, girls often starve themselves and skip meals. Of course, this also leads to a lot of arguments between parents who try to convince their daughters that proper meals are more important than being thin.

Teenage is a difficult period of life for both the teenagers and the parents because____

Achildren always do the most trivial things in every household.

Bparents expect their children to come back home as they would like to.

Cchildren spend too much time on their phones, talking to their friends.

Dparents don’t understand what their children think and believe.