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3/4 + 1/4:x = 2/5
=> 1/4:x = -7/20
=> x = -5/7
Hello. My name is Mai. My mom is 39 years old. She is a teacher. Although she not beautiful, but her I most beautiful. Her concern for us from eating to sleeping pas. She was always read to forgive us when we do wrong and she will advised us what to do. She is tall. Her eyes and her hair is black. It's the simple things I wants to talk about mother. I love mother.
rabbit and dog.
- Capital
- is
- wrong, Washington D.C.
My mom is 39 years old. Althuogh she not beautiful, but in my eyes she is the most beautiful. She has a standard design. Her hair is black and her black too. She like to take care of your childen and enjoy working. She love her family and I love my mom.
Tác động của vi khuẩn nitrat hóa là?
A. Cố định nito trong đất thành dạng đạm nitrat ( NO3).
B. Cố định nito trong nước thành dạng đạm nitrat ( NO3).
C. Biến đổi nitrit (NO2) thành nitrat (NO3).
D. Biến đổi nito trong khí quyển thành dạng đạm nitrat ( NO3).