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Chủ đề:

Những ngôi sao xa xôi- Lê Minh Khuê

Câu hỏi:

Câu 14: Cho đoạn văn sau:

“Uống sữa xong, Nho ngủ. Máy bay trinh sát vẫn nạo vét sự yên lặng của núi rừng. Chị thao dựa vào tường, hai tay quàng sau gáy, không nhìn tôi. - Hát đi, Phương Định, mày thích bài gì nhất, hát đi! Tôi thích nhiều bài. Những bài hành khúc bộ đội hay hát trên những ngả đường mặt trận. Tôi thích dân ca quan họ mềm mại, dịu dàng. Thích "ca chiu sa" của Hồng Quân Liên Xô. Thích ngồi bó gối mơ màng: "Về đây khi mái tóc còn xanh xanh...". Đó là dân ca ý trữ tình, giàu có, phải lấy giọng thật trầm. Thích nhiều. Nhưng tôi không muốn hát lúc này. Tôi đâm cáu với chị Thao, mặc dù, tôi hiểu, những tình cảm gì đang quay cuồng trong chị. Chị cứ đưa mắt nhìn Nho, lấy tay sửa cái cổ áo, cái ve áo và tóc nó. Chị không khóc đó thôi, chị không ưa cả nước mắt. Nói chung, trên cao điểm này, chúng tôi không ưa nước mắt. Nước mắt đứa nào chảy trong khi cần phải cứng cỏi của nhau này là bị xem như bằng chứng của một sự tự nhục mạ. Không ai nói với ai, nhưng nhìn nhau, chúng tôi đọc thấy trong mắt nhau điều đó.”

a. Theo em những tình cảm nào đang quay cuồng trong tâm hồn chị Thao?

b. Lí do nào khiến nhân vật “tôi” có thể thấu hiểu những tình cảm ấy?

c. Tại sao nhân vật “tôi” lại đâm cáu với chị Thao?

d. Vì sao “Không ai nói với ai, nhưng nhìn nhau, chúng tôi nhìn thấy trong mắt nhau điều đó”

e. Qua sở thích của nhân vật “tôi” trong đoạn văn em thấy nhân vật là người như thế nào?

In order to stay healthy it is important to have a balanced diet. We should eat enough three main groups of food. These groups are protein, carbohydrate and fat.

Proteins are very important for building our body. They help us to build new cells as old ones die. Meat and milk products are major sources of protein. We can also get protein from fish, eggs and beans.

Carbohydrate and fat are important to enable us to store energy. Carbohydrates are found in sugar and in cereals. Fat can be found in vegetable oil, in butter and in nuts.

Our body also needs minerals, such as iron and calcium and vitamins. Fish, vegetables and milk contain most of the minerals we need. Vitamins are found in fresh vegetables and fruit.

1. According to the passage, a balanced diet…………..

A. is needed for good health.                       B. contains lots of fruit and vegetables.

C. is rich in minerals and vitamins               D. is high in protein.

2. Proteins…………..

A. can only be found in meat.                       B. help our body build new cells.

C. produce meat and milk.                            D. can be gotten from rice.

3. We can get fat from…………..

A. cereals                   B. sugar                      C. butter                     D. vegetables

4. Carbohydrates…………..

A. allow the body to store energy                B. are not found in rice and cornmeal

C. supply a lot of protein                              D. are the most important of three groups of food

5. Which of the following is not true?

A. It’s important to eat a balanced died.      B. Fish contain both protein and mineral

C. Iron and calcium are also essential for good health.

D. Vitamins are not necessary for our body

1.      He went to a seaside resort because he was __________ on water-skiing.

A. bright               B. eager                      C. keen                       D. interested

2.      It took him years to __________ the shock of his wife dying.

A. take on             B. get over                  C. go off                     D. put off

3.      He will not be __________ to vote in this year's election.

A. old enough       B. enough old C. as old enough        D. enough old as

4.      This is the first time I __________ the experiment on plant breeding.

A. have done         B. do                           C. would do                D. did

5.      Tom: "You've got a lovely singing voice, Mary."

Mary: " __________ "

A. It's all right.                 B. Congratulations!

C. Thank you.                   D. No, thanks.

6.      - "You look nice today. I like your new hair style." - " ."

A. It's nice of you to say so        B. Shall I? Thanks.

C. Oh, well done!             D. I feel interesting to hear that.

7.      I asked Thuy Linh ____________ to enter that university.

A. are you planning          B. is she planning      C. if she was planning           D. was she planning

8.      The students wish they ______________ English as well as their English teacher.

A. can speak         B. will spoke              C. am speaking           D. could speak

9.      She asked me if I ___________ a laptop computer the following day.

A.  will buy           B.  bought       C.  would buy D.  buy

10. Thuy Linh has worked _____________ than her classmates.

A. carefullier       B. more careful         C. as carefully            D. more carefully

11. The teacher asked us not ____________ the answer keys before we finished the task.

A. read                  B. reads                      C. to read                    D. reading

12. My pen pal and I are far away from each other, but we always __________  .

A. keep on            B. get on                     C. keep in touch         D. write on

13. This is a difficult problem. I wish I ___________ the answer.

A. know                B. knew                       C. had known  D. would know

14. Wear a helmet when riding a motorbike. Helmets are used __________ our heads.

A. to protect         B. protect                   C. protecting              D. protected

15. I always read books before bedtime. I __________ reading books at night

A. am used for     B. used to                   C. am used to             D. was used to

16. Now fashion ________ want to change the traditional Ao dai.

A. makers             B. workers                  C. designers               D. dressers

17. Nowadays Jeans __________ all over the world.

A. is sold              B. are sold                  C. sold                        D. sell

18. .  He was a strict __________ , he asked me a lot of difficult questions.

A. examine           B. examining              C. examination           D. examiner

19. My friends spend hours __________ the Net every day. It is a waste of time.

A. traveling           B. exploring               C. working                  D. having

20. His mother has to work to support the family, ___________ ?

A. hasn’t she         B. has she                   C. does she                 D. doesn’t she

21. Would you mind not __________ on the radio until I’ve finished typing the document?

A. to turn              B. turning                   C. being turned          D. to be turned

22. I don’t mind _________ by bus but I hate _________in queues.

A. to travel/ to worry           B. traveling/ standing       C. to travel/ standing  D. traveling/ to stand

23. Don’t wait for me. The manager wants me __________ late tonight.

A. work                 B. working                  C. to work                  D. to have worked

24. Tam Dao is one of the___________  areas of Vinh Phuc province.

A. mountain          B. mountainously      C. mountainous          D. mountaineer

25. He ____________ the piano since he was a child.

A. practises          B. was practising       C. practised                D. has practised