rewwrite the following sentences so that the meaning stay the same:
2.the last time we met each other was ten yeaưrs ago.->we haven't...
3.originally,tennis was an indoor game.->tennis used...
4."don't swim out too far,boys" i said.->i told the boys....
5.he is too weak to lift this heavy box.->he isn't...
6."can you help me with my homework,lan?",mai said.->mai asked lan... one help me to repair my bicycle.->i repaired...
8.i last visited my uncle in june.->i haven't...
9."you had better not eat much sugar".->she advised me...
10.she studies english so that she can improve her knowledge.->she studies english so as... couldn't enjoy the meal because of stomachache.->the stomachache prevented...
12.i rarely sleep in the afternoon.->i'm not in...
13.joe isn't feeling very well today.->joe is feeling a bit under...