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24. Being unable to meet my new girlfriend, I rang to apologise to her for that __________. (CONVENIENT)

25. Our staff always make greats efforts to be ___________ the needs of the customer. (RESPOND)

26. My wife is ___________ (LIKE) to lose any weight, as she has a ___________ (WEAK) for sweets and junk food.

27. Parking space in the big cities is ___________ owing to the ___________ of car parks. (ADEQUATESHORT)

28. The new laser treatment can help to extract a patient’s teeth ___________. (PAIN).

29. ___________ are looking at new evidence on how the Egyptians buried the dead. (HISTORY)

30. Though he is poor, his ___________ won’t allow him to accept any form of charity. (PROUD)

31. Among our medicines, many ___________ from tropical plants. (ORIGIN)

32. The ______________ students often play soccer or basketball. (ENERGY)

33. Please don’t tell me any more lies. It is very ___________  to do that. (HONEST)

34. People watched in ___________ when the helicopter crashed nearby. (HORRIBLE)

35. The more ___________ rises, the less popular the government becomes. (EMPLOY)

36. Their ___________ quickly turned into love (FRIEND)

37. The Minister of National Defence has promised to take ___________ steps to fight terrorism. (DECIDE)

38. My mother wouldn’t accept her as a business partner because she is completely___________. (RELY).

39.  I was reported that neither of the ___________ was found guilty in yesterday’s trial. (DEFEND)

40. The new music group was so successful that their ___________ spread throughout the country. (FAMOUS)