Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Khánh Hòa , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 14
Số lượng câu trả lời 125
Điểm GP 22
Điểm SP 83

Người theo dõi (6)


Đang theo dõi (4)


Câu trả lời:

In recent days, severe flooding in the central provinces has caused great damage to people and properties. Feeling sorry for the heart of the Central region that "buckled" itself in difficulties, regardless of rich and poor, regions, many individuals and organizations are ready to support, donate and support people in flood areas.The humanitarian actions of these individuals and organizations have been the focus of the community's attention and quickly become a wave of spreading kindness throughout society. Natural disasters, storms and floods are inevitable natural phenomena. Every year, dozens of storms make landfall, causing serious damage to people and properties, especially in the central provinces. Industrious and hardworking people, working hard all year round, but at this time, the results seem to have been lost because of the flash floods. The tragic death toll, the undulating roofs; Crops, livestock, aquatic products submerged in the sea ... are images that make many people sad. Stemming from the friendship of the people "One horse hurts, the whole ship leaves the grass", has aroused goodwill in every Vietnamese who has been and is ready to head to the Central region, together with relatives to overcome the consequences of storms and floods. A series of actions with profound humanistic meanings by individuals, organizations, groups and businesses mentioned above and many other compassionate hearts are becoming a widespread wave throughout the country. These actions not only contribute to sharing but also give motivation and strength for people in the Central region to overcome difficulties, overcome storms and floods, and quickly stabilize their lives.