Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 5
Số lượng câu trả lời 0
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Điểm SP 0

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1. Write a paragraph about your neighborhood saying what you like and dislike about it. You can use some of the following suggested ideas.


            - many shops, restaurants, art galleries.

            - wide streets.

            - helpful and friendly people.


- too far from school.

- dirty air.

- noisy and crowded streets.







2. Write about a tourist attraction that you like the most. 

Suggested ideas:

            - What is its name?

            - Where is it?

- How can you go there?

- What is special about it?

- What can you do there?







II. Find the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

1. A. answer                B. correct                    C. perform                 D. describe

2. A. dishwasher        B. microwave             C. department             D. furniture

3. A. classmate           B. lucky                       C. travel                      D. dislike

4. A. ceiling                B. football                   C. compare                  D. table

5. A. suburb                B. sandy                      C. station                    D. pollute

6. A. backyard            B. remove                    C. Korean                 D. desert

7. A. degree                B. forest                       C. plaster                     D. wonder

8. A. natural                B. beautiful                 C. waterfall                D. introduce

9. A. appearance        B. confident                C. cathedral                 D. activity

10. A. faraway            B. finally                     C. favourite                D. remember

11. A. cupboard         B. between                  C. crazy                       D. drawer

12. A. wonder             B. narrow                    C. compare                  D. turning

13. A. around              B. kitchen                    C. bookshelf               D. teacher

14. A. special              B. repeat                      C. minute                     D. student

15. A. always              B. heavy                      C. boring                      D. correct

16. A. sister                 B. cousin                     C. because                   D. brother

17. A. again                 B. listen                      C. reason                     D. table

18. A. classroom        B. refer                        C. design                      D. behind

19. A. family               B. picture                    C. daughter                  D. below

20. A. creative            B. basketball               C. usually                    D. different


I. Find the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. business             B. study                       C. number                   D. bus

2. A. likes                    B. coughs                    C. stops                       D. climbs

3. A. boots                  B. scissors                   C. caves                      D. mountains

4. A. near                    B. team                        C. feet                         D. seat

5. A. seat                     B. meal                        C. seal                         D. great

6. A. gate                     B. hate                         C. great                       D. feast

7. A. eat                       B. breakfast                C. teach                       D. seat

8. A. lunch                  B. watch                    C. school                    D. chess

9. A. card                    B. farm                         C. art                           D. share

10. A. historic             B. wide                        C. public                     D. hospital

11. A. centre               B. city                          C. convenient             D. cinema

12. A. beautiful          B. beach                      C. cheap                      D. peaceful

13. A. expensive        B. example                  C. exciting                   D. exercise

14. A. desert               B. best                          C. boat                        D. think

15. A. castle                B. coat                         C. want                       D. biggest

16. A. visible              B. bring                        C. building                 D. bomb

17. A. busy                  B. gum                         C. summary                D. lunch

18. A. watched           B. booked                    C. stopped                   D. worried

19. A. magazine         B. side                          C. hide                        D. high

20. A. beach                B. change                    C. cheese                    D. chemistry