Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Hà Nội , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 98
Số lượng câu trả lời 5
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

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telepathy/ video conferencing /leave a note/ emailing /code/
face to face/ non-verbally/ language/ social media /snail mail/
45. Some people use various ............................................. applications to find career
opportunities, connect with people across the globe with like-minded interests, and share their own
thoughts or feeling. It allows individuals to keep in touch with friends and family.
46. His ambition was to meet his favourite pop star ................................................
47. ................................................ is an online technology that allows users in different locations
to hold face-to-face meetings without having to move to a single location together.
48. ....................................... is a paper mail sent through the postal service (as opposed to email).
49. He can communicate with her by ........................................ He has the ability to know what is
in her mind and to communicate with her mentally, without using any words or other physical signals.
50. We’d been ................................................ each other for six months before we actually met.
51. Using her telepathic abilities, she can communicate with us ................................................
52. What we’ll do is ............................................. for Mum to tell her we won’t be back till late.
53. The police use ................................................ words for their major operations.
54. Let your body ................................................, eye contact and facial expression show
involvement and receptivity.

