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Số lượng câu hỏi 125
Số lượng câu trả lời 12
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 8

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Ex 1: Read the text and do the following tasks

Land pollution is when humans introduce harmful objects, chemicals or substances, directly or indirectly, into the soil in a way that causes harm to other living beings, destroys soil or water ecosystems. It can be caused by agricultural sources, industrial sources, sewage treatment, and deforestation.

A. Farmers often use highly toxic fertilizers and pesticides to get rid of insects, fungi and bacteria in their crops. However with the overuse of these chemicals, they often result in contamination and poisoning of soil.

B. Industrial activity is also one of the biggest contributors to this problem in the last century, especially since the amount of mining and manufacturing has increased. Most industries are dependent on extracting minerals from the Earth.

C. Another reason is the sewage treatment. Household or municipal waste such as glass, metal, cloth, and plastic is collected and gets dumped in a landfill or burned to generate electricity. Both end up polluting the environment.

D. Deforestation is carried out in order to create dry lands. This is a major concern. When trees are cut, the earth’s surface is left unprotected from rain and the sun’s intense heat. Accordingly, the unfavorable conditions result in soil erosion, land degradation, and desertification.

E. The effects of land pollution are very hazardous and can lead to the loss of ecosystems. When land is polluted, it directly or indirectly affects climate patterns, rainfall or temperature.

F. Land pollution has been found as one of the leading causes for birth defects. Pregnant women living in unhealthy and dirty environments can incur breathing problems and a number of diseases, which may affect the health of the baby as well.

So what should we do to reduce land pollution?

A. Match the words with their definitions.

Landfill     Plastic     Mining    Deforestation   Fertilizers

1. ________ = substances added to soil to make plants grow more successfully

2. ________ = the process of getting coal and other minerals

3. ________ = a light strong material that is produced by chemical processes

4. ________ = an area of land where large amounts of waste material are buried

5. ________ = the act of cutting down or burning the trees in an area

B. Read the text and decide in which paragraph each detail below is mentioned. Write A, B, C, D, E or F in the blank.

1. The influences of agricultural practices on land

2. The impact of land pollution on pregnant women

3. The reasons for desertification

4. Examples of household and municipal waste

5. The effect of land pollution on climate

C. Read the text again and complete the sentences below with no more than 2 words from the passage.

1. Harmful chemicals are used by ……………………. to increase their productivity create contaminated land.

2. During the process of ………………………….., items such as plastic bags that cannot be recycled become a part of the landfills and cause land pollution.

3.  ………………………………takes place when trees are cut and the land is left unprotected from rain and sun’s intense heat.

4. The loss of …………………………… occurs when the land is contaminated by hazardous chemicals.

5. Pregnant women living in polluted area may have the …………………………………… problems.                     


điền những giới từ In / On / At / x (x là kí hiệu - không có giới từ cần điền ) vào chỗ trống : 
1. I like going to the library _______ the autumn. 
2. I’ll see you _________ next friday. 
3.. Mary was born __________ 1991. 
4. Did you see her _________ today. 
5. It starts ________ tomorrow. 
6.  It was sunny ________ my birthday. 
7. We had the meeting _________ last week. 
8. Are you staying at home ________ Christmas Day. 
9. I was born ________ September 15th 
10. _________ 8 o’clock, I must leave. 
11. I have English classes ______ Tuesdays. 

12. Let’s meet _____ Monday. 
13. Let’s meet ______ thirty minutes. 

14. Let’s meet at the park _______ noon. 
15. I saw him ________ my birthday. 
16. Where were you ________Monday evening? 
17. The children like to go to the park ________ the morning. 

18. The bus collected us ________ 5 o’clock early ________ the morning. 
19. What’s on the TV __________ midnight. 
20. The factory closed _________ June. 
21. _________ the winter, it usually snows. 
22. ________ Friday, she spoke to me. 
23. What are you doing _________ the weekend. 
24 I saw her ______ 5:00 PM. 

25. There is a meeting_____9:00 AM and 2:00 PM.  8. He was born_____15th, January. 
26 We have lived in Hanoi_____ 4 years. 10. We will be there _ 5:00 o’clock early_ the morning. 

27 My wife’s birthday is …………. 15th August, but I don’t know which date.

28 My father is 60. He’ll be retiring from his job ………….. 2 weeks.

29. I like peace. I try to avoid going out ………. Night

30. His truck is being repaired at the garage. It will be ready ……… midnight.

31 We always hold a great party …… their wedding anniversary.

32 My class ends …. 3 PM                    

33. I’m cycling…….present               

34. There are fruits…….summer. I love this season.    

35. who discovered America……..the 15th century ?  

36. He was plating the trees…….that time.             

37. She hasn’t seen Jack for a few days. She said that she had last seen her ………. Friday.

38 Alex isn’t here…….. the moment, but he’ll be there this morning.

39.. I have no time _____ the moment. 
40 I shall see her _____ the beginning of the week. 
41. Goodbye! See you _____ Monday. 
42 We are going to the theatre_____ this evening
43 Do you want to go there ________ the evening? 
44. Let’s do it _______ the weekend. 
45. I can’t work _______ night. 
46 I’ll be there _______ 22 minutes. 
47. They saw that car_________ half past ten. 
48. The anniversary is __________ May 10th. 
49. Where did you go _________ last summer. 
50. The movie starts _________ 20 minutes. 

51. Selena was born __________ March 1, 2009 
52 Leaves turn red, gold and brown _________ autumn. 
53. My friends like to go the movies __________ Saturdays. 
54 The pilgrims arrived in Vietnam_______ 1890 
55. My sister likes to watch TV ___________ the evening. 
56. _______Tuesday morning, there is a meeting_______8.00 
57. I like to watch the parade ___________ Independence Day. 
58. Hippies protested against the war _________ the 1960s. 
59. We finished the marathon ________ the same time. 
60. _________ the moment, I’m busy. 
61. They were very popular __________ the 1980s. 
62. My appointment is __________ Thursday morn
63. Henry’s birthday is ___________ November. 
64  Miss Linda gets up early, She has breakfast________6.00, then she goes to work________half past six 


65.  …….Christmas day, I go to the church with my friends.

66. I haven’t met her…….2000.

67. I fell asleep……..the film.

68 Mary’s gone business. He’ll be back……one

69. We always decorate our room………Christmas.



Exercise 1: Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group.

1. A. rocks                   B. chats                                   C. trips                         D. recipes

2. A. maps                  B. bags                                     C. trucks                     D. roofs

3. A. knitting               B. knowledge                          C. know                       D. kind

4. A. hobby                 B. hockey                                C. gym                       D. sky 

5. A. karate                 B. relax                                    C. chat                        D. handball

Exercise 2:  Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the other in each group.

 6. A. volleyball                       B. basketball             C. competition              D. badminton

12. A. sewing                           B. knitting                 C. practice                    D. karate

13. A. design                          B. finish                     C. relax                          D. prefer

14. A. tennis                            B. piano                       C. guitar                        D. music

15. A. machine                        B. hobby                     C.   recipe                     D. shuttlecock