Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
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Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.

1.      A. likes                        B. stops                       C.reads                                   D. laughs

2.      A. films                       B. characters               C. sharks                                 D. seals

3.      A. news                       B. songs                      C.feelings                               D. delights

4.      A. established             B. talented                  C.educated                             D. needed

5.      A. stopped                  B. watched                  C.enjoyed                               D. cooked

6.      A. considered              B. picked                     C.stayed                                D. received     

7.      A. pushed                    B. watched                  C.learned                                D. danced

8.      A. laughed                  B. closed                     C.filled                                   D. studied


Listen to the passage again and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following questions. (1 points)

1.      You never have to queue in ................................. 

A. shops                         B. shops and banks                 C. cinemas                   D. theaters

2.      The village is clean because the villagers …………………………………….

A. clean it in the afternoon                                            B. take care of it and don’t throw rubbish    

C. don’t let children throw rubbish in the streets          D. All is right

3.      According to the speakers the people in the village are much more .......................than those in the city.

A. unfriendly                 B. hospitable                           C. friendly                   D.  reserved

4.      Everybody............................................. helps each other if someone has a problem.

A. sometimes                 B. often                                   C. never                       D. always

5.      Which of the following thing does the speaker not like?

A. going to the cinema                                                  B. going to the theatre                       

C. talking with each other in the evening                      D. everyone knows what everyone is doing