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Choose the best word for the sentence 
1. I …………………my homework last night
A. don’t finish B. was finishes C. were finish D. didn’t finish
2. Mary......................a letter to her parents yesterday
A. wrote B. write C. writes D. will write
3. Mary ...................... the dishes after dinner last night
A. learned B. walked C. washed D. stayed
4. How..................are you? -I’m 1.50 meters
A. high B. tall C.long D. height
5.What.................last night?
A. do you eat B. you ate C. did you eat D. are you eating
6.Peter is intelligent, and...................................
A. neither is her sister B.her sister is either   C. her sister are too  D. so is her sister

7.Minh used to......................his homework late in the evening.

A. does B. do C. doing D. did

8.If people.....................the rules, there are no more accidents.

A. follow B. take care of C. obey D. remember

9.You should..................right and left when you go across the roads.

A. see B. look C. be D. take

10.Hurry up or we can't...................the last bus home.

A. keep B. follow C. go D. catch

11.Lan used to go to school...............

A. with bicycle B. by foot C. in car D. by bus

12.Public..................in my town is good and cheap.

A. transport B. tour C. journey D. travel

13...................is not very far from here to the city centre.

A. That B. This C. It D. There

14.When there is a traffic jam, it.....................me a very long time to go home.

A. costs B. takes C. lasts D. spends

15.Mai's dad usually drives her to school................her school is very far from her house.

A. but B. though C. because D. or

16.Yesterday Hoa and Lan......................round West Lake. It took them an hour.

A. cycle B. cycles C. cycling D. cycled