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Số lượng câu hỏi 7
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I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group.

1. A. aerobic                                             B. airplay                  C. rarely                   D. atmosphere

2. A. goggles                           B. sport                       C. stop                         D. not

3. A. match                             B. machine                  C. champion                D. chess

4. A. spare                               B. play                         C. game                       D. table

5. a. swimming                        b. skipping                   c. driving                     d. fishing

II. Choose the correct answers.

1.   My friend Tony is very good ________ basketball. He plays basketball very well.

      a. in                             b. on                            c. at                             d. with

2.   They often go swimming ________ Friday morning.

      a. in                             b.on                             c.at                              d. for

3.   Football is an example of a ________ sport where you play with several other people.

      a. team                         b.individual                 c.indoor                       d.dangerous

4.   Tuan and Cuong were very upset when our favourite team didn’t ________ even one goal.

      a. play                          b.kick                          c.point                         d. score

5.   Badminton requires only a net, a racket, and a birdie or ________.

      a. ball                           b. ski                            c. shuttlecock              d. goggles

6. Football is regarded          ____the most popular sport in the world.

           A. for                          B. as                                     C. like                             D. of

7. Sports and games___ an important part in our lives.

           A. play                        B. do                                    C. go                              D. make

8. When you go to the zoo, don't_______the animals.

           A. play                        B. do                                    C. tease                          D. watch

9. Playing sports helps us get__________ .

           A.fat                            B. free                                  C. fittest                         D. fitter

10. My brother's dream is to become a                              .

           A. loser                        B. champion                         C. contest                       D. gamer

Chủ đề:

Unit 15 : Computer

Câu hỏi:

IV. Choose the best item among A, B, C or D to complete the sentences:

1. _________ is the most expensive city in the world? – I think it’s Tokyo.

A. What                       B. where                      C. when                       D. how

2. _________ is your favorite tennis player? – I don’t like tennis.

A. Where                     B. Who                        C. How often               D. How long

3. My brother can’t swim _________ he’s afraid (sợ) of water.

A. because                   B. and                          C. but                          D. so

4. My sister likes going to the cinema _________ I like watching TV at home.

A. and                          B. but                          C. because                   D. or

5. ___________ pen is this? Can I borrow it?

A. Whose                     B. Whom                     C. Who                        D. Which

6. ___________ are you going to invite to your party next week?

A. What                       B. Who                        C. Whose                     D. Where

7. ___________ did you spend in Hanoi? – One week.

A. How many              B. How much               C. How long                D. How often

8. ___________ is a person who reads a report in the program.

A. A weatherman         B. a comedian              C. a newsreader           D. a guest

9. We use a __________ to change the channels from a distance.

A. remote control         B. TV schedule            C. newspaper               D. volume button

10. I want to watch the cartoon _________ I turn on the TV.

A. but                          B. so                            C. although                  D. because

11. Jerry is a clever little mouse.

A. small                       B. special                     C. intelligent                D. special

12. ‘Let’s learn’ teaches children to study Maths. It’s an __________ program.

A. live                          B. popular                   C. entertaining             D. educational

13. _________ Mai and Lan are interested in listening to music.

A. because                   B. both                        C. neither                     D. so

14. The program can both _________ and entertain young audiences.

A. educated                  B. education                C. educational              D. educate

15. Where are the children? They __________ in the yard.

A. play                        B. are playing              C. is playing                D. plays