Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
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Số lượng câu hỏi 59
Số lượng câu trả lời 19
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Yêu cầu: - Phân tích trong câu dùng Tính từ sở hữu/ Đại từ sở hữu - Điền đáp án 1. This car belongs to my father, so it’s ____________ car. 2. “Lucy, I don’t like ____________ dark hair”. 3. My teachers live in ____________ country houses. 4. Leo is helping ____________ sister now. 5. Henry gave me some CDs, so I shared ____________ with him. 6. Look, those are my pencils. They are ____________. 7. I’m sorry but it wasn’t ____________ fault. 8. The students did ____________ homework correctly. 9. “Excuse me, could you lend me ____________ dictionary?” 10. “Alice, can I use your computer, ____________ is too bad”. 11. Thomas and I invite ____________ friends yesterday. 12. Anne met ____________ old friend at the concert. 13. If the house belongs to her parents, it’s ____________. 14. The little boy plays with his toys, they are ____________. 15. Two students didn't do ____________ mathematics homework. 16. I have a car. ____________ color is black. 17. Ann and Nadia go to a high school. ____________ little brother goes to a primary school. 18. Do you know him? Is he a cousin of ____________? 19. A friend of ____________ has invited me to France. 20. Susan didn’t invite Tom to her birthday party because he is not ____________ friend. 21. Look at this picture. These are my daughters. __________ names are Jane and Laura. 22. John was born in Bristol but ____________ father was born in Manchester. 23. I want to go to a Rihanna concert. I really like ____________. 24. I don't have my mobile phone. Can I use ____________? 25. We need help. Can you help ____________? 26. Carla and Ned have a really nice car. I love ___________ car. 27. This T-shirt is not mine. Is it __________? 28. I am going to see the Rolling Stones. Do you like ____________? 29. We live in a nice house but ___________ neighbours are horrible! 30. I miss my parents. I want to send __________ a postcard

giúp mình với huhu

Yêu cầu: - Phân tích trong câu dùng Tính từ sở hữu/ Đại từ sở hữu - Điền đáp án 1. This car belongs to my father, so it’s ____________ car. 2. “Lucy, I don’t like ____________ dark hair”. 3. My teachers live in ____________ country houses. 4. Leo is helping ____________ sister now. 5. Henry gave me some CDs, so I shared ____________ with him. 6. Look, those are my pencils. They are ____________. 7. I’m sorry but it wasn’t ____________ fault. 8. The students did ____________ homework correctly. 9. “Excuse me, could you lend me ____________ dictionary?” 10. “Alice, can I use your computer, ____________ is too bad”. 11. Thomas and I invite ____________ friends yesterday. 12. Anne met ____________ old friend at the concert. 13. If the house belongs to her parents, it’s ____________. 14. The little boy plays with his toys, they are ____________. 15. Two students didn't do ____________ mathematics homework. 16. I have a car. ____________ color is black. 17. Ann and Nadia go to a high school. ____________ little brother goes to a primary school. 18. Do you know him? Is he a cousin of ____________? 19. A friend of ____________ has invited me to France. 20. Susan didn’t invite Tom to her birthday party because he is not ____________ friend. 21. Look at this picture. These are my daughters. __________ names are Jane and Laura. 22. John was born in Bristol but ____________ father was born in Manchester. 23. I want to go to a Rihanna concert. I really like ____________. 24. I don't have my mobile phone. Can I use ____________? 25. We need help. Can you help ____________? 26. Carla and Ned have a really nice car. I love ___________ car. 27. This T-shirt is not mine. Is it __________? 28. I am going to see the Rolling Stones. Do you like ____________? 29. We live in a nice house but ___________ neighbours are horrible! 30. I miss my parents. I want to send __________ a postcard