Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 127
Số lượng câu trả lời 15
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 5

Người theo dõi (30)


Đang theo dõi (27)


V.Complete the dialogue below by choosing the correct response for Grandad (A–O) in each gap. There are four extra responses.

Grandad’s responses:

A Do you mean choose a folder to put them in?

B Do you mean with the same cable I use to charge it with?

C I’m not sure I get it. How can you copy 100 pictures all at the same time?

D Yes, please. But that takes a lot of time, doesn’t it?

E What do you mean? You have to pay, don’t you?

F  Oh yes! Look, there are the pictures I took yesterday at your football match.

G In this folder here. But how do I get the copies to go there?

H Why would I want to watch anything on YouTube?

I   Yes, I am. I want to put the photos from my smartphone onto my computer and I can’t do it.

J  Now I get it. So what else can you do on it?

K Oh right. That’s very easy. But nothing happened…where are the copies of the photos?

L  That’s very kind of you – thanks! It’s probably very easy to do, isn’t it?

M Facebook? I don’t use it. Isn’t it a waste of time?

N I see… like that! And what do I do now to copy them?

O I’m sorry, I don’t get it? Click where?

May:    Hi Grandad, are you OK? You look angry!

Grandad: 0     I­

May:    I can show you how to do it if you want.

Grandad:   1        ___

May:    Yes it is – when you know how! So you need to connect your phone to the laptop.

Grandad:   2        ___

May:     Yes, that’s right. Now if you click there, you can open the folder for your phone.

Grandad:   3        ___

May:     On that little picture of a folder there… that’s it! Now, can you see all the photos that are on your phone?

Grandad:   4        ___

May:    Oh yes! There are some nice photos there! Now, do you want to copy all of the photos onto the laptop?

Grandad:   5        ___

May:    No, because you can copy them all at the same time – it’s very quick.

Grandad:   6        ___

May:    Well first you press the button on the mouse and hold it, then move it down over all of the photos.

Grandad:   7        ___

May:     Now you click on the other mouse button and choose ‘Copy’.

Grandad:   8        ___

May:    Don’t worry! They’re in the memory of the computer. Now you need to tell the computer where you want to put them all.

Grandad:   9        ___

May:    Exactly! So where do you want them?

Grandad:   10       ___

May:    Well, click on the other mouse button again and this time choose ‘Paste’.