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Unit 10                 CONSERVATION

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of others

1. A. conservation                        B. nation           C. mention        D. question

2. A. medicine

B. protect

C. species

D. never

3. A. variety

B. pattern

C. vary

D. back

4. A. pollute

B. develop

C. constant

D. provide

5. A. must

B. natural

C . hunt

D. fun

6.A. scientist

B. million

C. police

D. medical

7. A. teach

B. much

C. school

D. choice

8. a. provide                    b. environment            c. wildlife                   d. injured

9. a. bee                          b. bomb                      c. ban                         d. bright

10. a. needed                    b. completed               c. polluted                   d. concerned

11. a. animals                   b. constant                  c. valuable                  d. natural

Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of others

1. A. vegetation

B. eliminate

C. disappearance D. intonation

2. A. photo

B. rapid

C. pattern

D. about

3.A. environment

B. understanding

C. population

D. conservation

4.A. impossibly

B. especially

C. naturally

D. importantly

5.A. medical

B. pollutant

C. imprison

D. protective

6.A. conserve

B. disease

C . wildlife

D. expand

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following questions

1. The bridge is a marvelous work _______.        A. destroy          B. destruction    C. destructive       D. destructively


2. Work on the production line is monotonous and lacks _______.  A. variety     B. various   C. varied           D. variable

3. He owns a series of ___ across the US and beyond.A. industries B. industrials      C. industrious    D. industrialize

4. He says he'll tell the authorities but it's just an empty ___.A. threat           B. threaten         C. threatening    D. threatens

5. I'm sick of _______-heart liberal politicians.A. blood      B. bloody           C. bleed D. bleeding



6. In the movie, he plays a concerned and ___ father trying to bring up two teenage children on his own.


A. sense                  B. sensitive              C. sensible               D. senseless

7. As a child I had an _______ friend called Polly.    A. image         B. imagine          C. imaginative        D. imaginary

8. Phone me if there is any new _____.A. develop B. developed      C. developing     D. development

9. If you don't have anything ___ to say, I'd rather you kept quiet.

A. construct            B. constructors        C. constructive        D. construction

10.A healthy body will be able to fight off the illness _______ without the use of medicine.

A. nature                 B. natural                 C. naturalize             D. naturally

11.Endangered animals should be bred in _______ areas.A. conservative    B. conservable     C. conservation    D. conserve

12.Acid rain has caused severe ____ on the hillside.     A. erosion     B. pollution     C. destruction      D. floods

13.A large hydroelectric ____was built on the River Danube.       A. power            B. dam    C. bank D. wall

14..____ take the train instead of the bus? It's faster.    A. How about     B. Let's     C. Why don't                   D. Why not

15. We’re now facing the possible___ of several rare species.A. danger     B. varietyC. existence       D. disappearance

16. The plot was surrounded by a stone wall and _______ with flowering trees.

A. planted                B. destroyed            C. eliminated            D. worried

17. For them, the house's main __ lays in its quiet country location.A. interestB. valueC. conserve      D. cost

18. Farmers were dumping or burying the ____ animals.A. ill          B. sick  C. endangered    D. diseased

19. The baby was born with a surprising _______ of black hair.A. grass      B. plant C. tree   D. bush

20. There were so many different _______ of bread that I didn't know which to buy.

A. varieties              B. differences          C. changes              D. types

21. _______ to join our trip?        A. Do you feel like             B. Can you            C. Let’s              D. Are you free

22. Raining is a part of the _______of water.    A. conservation       B. survival       C. circulation      D. protection

23. That man has never been known _______ before.A. lie     B. to lie C. lying D. has lied

24. Tom is having someone _______ the newspaper to him.A. bring    B. to bring         C. bringing        D. brings

25. We don’t get anyone _______ the kitchen every day.A. cleanB. to clean      C. cleaning        D. cleaned

26. 'Ms. Jones, please type those letters before noon’_ 'They've already _______ sir. They're on your desk.'

     A. typed                     B. been typed                   C. being typed                  D. been being typed

27. Both domestic and imported automobiles must _______ anti-pollution devices.

     A. equip with              B. be equipped with           C. equip by                           D. be equipped

28. 'Has the committee made its decision yet?'`Not yet. They _______the proposal.'

     A. are still considered    B. are still being consideredC. are still considering     D. have been considered

29. 'What a beautiful dress you're wearing!' Thank .you. It _______ especially for me by a French tailor.'

     A. makes                    B. has made                     C made                            D. was made

30. Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. It _______ everything in its path.

     A. was destroy            B. was being destroyedC. destroyed                               D. had been destroyed

31. In some areas, water _______from the ground faster than nature can replenish the supply.

     A. is being taken          B. has been taking             C. is taking                      D. has taken

32. An announcement about the eight o'clock flight to Chicago_______

     A. has been already made      B. has already madeC. has already been made    D. already made

33. _______during the storm.

     A. They were collapsed the fence      B. The fence was collapsedC. They collapsed the fence       D. The fence collapsed

34. The new computer system _______next month.

     A. is being installed by people       B. is be installedC. is being installed                D. is been installed

35.  The man _______ because medical help was not summoned. A doctor ................... immediately.

     A. was died/ should have been called                       B. died/ should have called

C. is died/ should been called                                       D. died/ should have been

36. Today, many serious childhood diseases _______by early immunization.

     A. are preventing             B. can preventC. prevent                                      D. can be prevented

37. Why did Tom keep making jokes, about me? I don't enjoy_______

     A. be laughed at              B. to be laughed atC. laughing at                                 D. being laughed at

38. Many reliable methods of storing information _______when computers arrived.

     A. tend forgotten .           B. tend to forgetC. tend to be forgotten                       D. tend being forgotten

      39. The bay _______ by the enemy many years ago.

A. was used to be attacked      B. used to be attackedC. was used for being attacked            D. used to attack

     40. The report will be read _______.

A. at the conference by Dr. Blake at 3 p.m.                    B. at the conference at 3 p.m. by Dr. Blake


C. by Dr. Blake at the conference at 3 p.m.                    D. at 3 p.m. by Dr. Blake at the conference

41 . The loss of forest is destroying the earth's plant and animal ………….

     A. variety                          B. supply                          C. medicine                            D. sickness

42. We may never know the truth cost of ……………..

     A. destroy                         B. destruction                   C. destructive                         D. destructively

43. Man and most animals need a ……………… supply of water to live

     A. quick                            B. long                             C. constant                             D. short

44. Hydroelectric     ................. hold back needed water and provide power for homes and industries.

     A. river                             B. stream                          C. pool                                   D. dam

45. Trees, ……….., and other plant life play an important part in the natural circulation of water.

     A. soil                               B. grasses                         C. flowers                              D. B and C

46. Without plants, most water would run ………… as soon as it falls.

     A. off                                B. on                                C. in                                      D. from

47. Rapid run-off would cause frequent floods and leave little water during ………… season. 

     A. wet                               B. rainy                            C. dry                                    D. sun

48. We cannot clean up our …………. rivers and seas overnight.

                                        A. pollute                               B. pollution                             C. polluting                       D. polluted

49. We cannot stop the ………………. of plants and animals.

      A. environment                 B. disappearance               C. defence                              D. electricity

50. They want to be seen as places where ………….. species can develop

      A. danger                         B. endangered                   C. dangerous                          D. dangerously

51. At times, this can be ……….., and some keepers have been injured and one has been killed.

      A. danger                         B. risky                            C. injure                                 D. famous

52. Campers must use ………… to put out their campfires completely after they leave.

      A. water                           B. earth                            C. plant                                  D. trees

53. Half the world’s rain forests have already been _____.

A. endangered                         B. eroded                          C. found                                 D. destroyed

54. Try to eliminate fatty food from your diet.

      A. limit                             B. get rid of                      C. move                                 D. add

55. This dress _____ by me yesterday.

      A. bought                         B. was bought                   C. is bought                            D. buys

56. No mistakes ______ made.

      A. has been                       B. have been                     C, is                                       D. to be

57. Thousands of hectares of forest are _____ each year.

      A. destruction                   B. destroyed                     C. destroying                          D. destroy

58. Your salary is very low. You _____ another job.

      A. should look                   B. shouldn’t look               C. should look for                   D. shouldn’t look for

59. If you exercised more, you _____ better.

      A. feel                              B. will feel                        C. would feel                          D. felt

60. I _____ they ____ get married.

      A. think/don’t                   B. think/shouldn’t              C. don’t think/should               D. don’t think/shouldn’t

61. A _____ is a large area of sea that is partly surrounded by land.  

      A. ocean                           B. gulf                              C. mountain                            D. hill

62. We cannot live without ______.

      A. money                         B. water                           C. medicine                            D. wine

63. Once a fire has started, it spreads very _______ .

      A. slowly                          B. quick                           C. rapidly                               D. so quick

64. Do you feel like ______ the conference tonight?

      A. joining                          B. to join                          C. to joining                            D. joined

 65. Are you free _______ me now?

      A. to help                         B. helping                         C. helped                                D. help

66. ________ phoning Tom tonight?

      A. can you                        B. would you like              C. how about                          D. let’s

67. In late ______, forests may easily catch fire.

      A. autumn                        B, spring                          C. winter                                D. summer

68. If you drive your car too fast, the police _____ you.

      A. would punish                B. punish                          C. will punish                          D. are punished

69. ______ means “concerning or producing electricity by the power of falling water”.

      A. circulation                    B. hydroelectric                 C. elimination                          D. run off

70. What would happen if you ______ a teacher?

      A. were                            B. is                                 C. had been                            D. are

71. This broken cup cannot ______.

      A. repaired                        B. to be repaired                C. be repaired                         D. repairing

72. The house ______ by my mother now.

            A. is painting                  B. is being painted          C. will be painted                 D. will be being painted

Choose the word which is CLOSEST in meaning to the one given in each of the following questions

1. Each year about fifty hundred species of plants and animals are already being eliminated.

A. dropped                   B. removed              C. kicked                 D. tossed

           2. Rapid run-off would cause frequent floods and erosion.   A. BadB. Weak      C. Slow D. fast

3. Rapid run-off would cause frequent floods and leave little water during fry seasons.

A. sometimes

B B.unusual

C. regular

DD. little

4. At times, this can be risky, and the keepers have been injured and one has been killed.

A. endangered              B. useful                  C. dangerous           D. secure

        5. This channel allows rainwater to run off.          A. keep inside     B. move around              C. flow into    D. flow out of

     6.Water can be held on the land by vegetation.

        A. plants used as food       B. grown trees                 C. the growth of plants         D. plants and trees

Choose the word which is OPPOSITE in meaning to the one given in each of the following questions

1.Rapid run-off would cause frequent floods and erosion.A. Bad    B. Weak            C. Slow D. Ugly

2. Rapid run-off would cause frequent floods and leave little water during fry seasons.

A. sometimes

B. unusual

C. irregular

D. little

3. The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad.


A. done

B. made


C. defended

D. varied

4. We cannot clean up our polluted rivers and seas overnight.A. cleared      B. purified         C. honored        D. respected


5. At times, this can be risky, and the keepers have been injured and one has been killed.

A. good                   B. useful                  C. healthy                D. secure

     6. Try to eliminate fatty foods from your diet.      A. limit           B. get rid of      C. move            D. maintain

Choose the sentence that best fits the one given in each of the following questions.

1. People don't use this road very often. 

A. This road is not used very often                                  B. Not very often this road is not used

C. This road very often is not used                                  D. This road not very often is used

2. How do people learn languages?     A. How are languages learned?           B. How are languages learned by people?

C. How languages are learned?     D. Languages are learned how?

3. They have built a new hospital near the airport.

A. A new hospital has been built near the airport by them.        B. A new hospital near the airport has been built.

C. A new hospital has been built near the airport.                     D. Near the airport a new hospital has been.

4. People should send their complaints to the head office.

  A. Complaints should be sent to the head office.             B. Complaints should be sent to the head office by people.

  C. Their complaints should be sent to the head office by people.        D. Their complaints to the head office should be sent.

5. They are going to hold next year's congress in San Francisco.

A. Congress is going to be held next year in San Francisco.     B. Congress in San Francisco is going to be held next year.

C. Next year's congress is going to be held by them held next year.     D. Next year's congress is going to be held in San F.

6. The bill includes service        A. Service is included by the bill                 B. Service included in the bill

C. Service is included in the bill                D. Service is in the bill

7. You should give us this information.

               A. This information should be given to us.              B. We should be given this information.

C. We should be given to this information.            D. A & B are correct.

8. People believe that 13 is an unlucky number.

A. 13 believes to be an unlucky number.               B. 13 is believed to be an unlucky number.

C. It is believed that 13 is an unlucky number.        D. B & C are correct.

9. People think that he was a spy.            A. It was thought that he was a spy.        B. He is thought to have been a spy.

 C. He was thought he was a spy.                        D. Both A and B are correct.

10. They had a porter carry their luggage.

A. They had their luggage be carried by a porter    B. A porter had carried their luggage.

C. They had a porter carried their luggage.            D. They had their luggage carried by a porter

Write the following sentences in the passive.

1. People speak English at the club.                                               

® English ………………............................................................................................................................

2. They don't invite her to the party.

® She ………………..................................................................................................................................

3. They are feeding my pet.

® My pet ....................................................................................................................................................

4. The police have looked for that robber everywhere.

® That robber .............................................................................................................................................

5. She cleans the floor every day.

® The floor .................................................................................................................................................

6. We weren't watching an exciting comedy when she came. 

® An exciting comedy ...............................................................................................................................

7. Mr. Brown explained the lesson very clearly.

® The lesson ...............................................................................................................................................

8. He is writing a book on biology.

® A book on biology ..................................................................................................................................

9. That writer published a new novel in June.

® A new novel .............................................................................................................................................

10. That secretary checked e-mails yesterday.

® E-mails ......................................................................................................................................................

Write the following sentences in the conditional type 2 or 3

1. The wind is blowing hard, so I won’t take the boat out for a ride.

® If ..............................................................................................................................................................

2. He didn’t prepare for the interview, so he didn’t get the job.

® If ..............................................................................................................................................................

3. I can’t take much exercises because I don’t have enough free time.

® If ..............................................................................................................................................................

I3.  took the job because I didn’t know how difficult it was.

® If .................................................................................................................................

 Change these sentences into passive voice:

1.                   Do they teach English here?

2.                   Has Tom finished the work?

3.                   How did the police find the lost man?

4.                   Someone will tell him that news.

5.                   They have to repair the engine of the car.

6.                   The boy broke the window and took away some pictures.

7.                   People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday.

8.                   They may use this room for the classroom.

9.                   The teacher is going to tell a story.

10.               Mary is cutting the cake with a sharp knife.

11.               The children looked at the woman with a red hat.

12.               They have provided the victims with food and clothing.

13.               People speak English in almost every corner of the world.

14.               you mustn’t use this machine after 5:30 p.m.

15.               Lucky for me, they didn’t call my name.

16.               After class, one of the students always erases the chalk board.

17.               You must clean the wall before you paint it.

18.               They told the new pupil where to sit.

19.               I knew that they had told him of the meeting.

20.               Nobody has ever treated  me with such kindness.

21.               No one believes his story.

22.               A sudden increase in water pressure may break the dam.

23.               We must take good care of  books borrowed from the library.

24.               A man I know told me about it.

25.               We can never find him at home for he is always on the move.

26.               They use milk for making butter and cheese.

27.               Science and Technology have completely changed human life.

28.               John used to visit Mr cole at weekends.

29.               Smoke filled the room.

30.               They give up the research after 3 hours.

Rewrite the sentence in the passive. Câu bị động

1.       I will buy a computer next Sunday->

A COMPUTER……………………………………………………………………………

2.     Mr Snow hasn’t taught that course since 1985.

->That course………………………………………………………………………………

3.    They are building a big hydropower plant in Son La

->A big hydropower plant………………………………………………………….…

4. We use the computer to learn languages .

-> The computer…………………………………………………………………………

5. Somebody has taken my briefcase

 ->the computer……………………………….……………………………………….

6. Mary will  phone  her aunts tomorrow

-> Her aunts ………………………………………………………………..

7. Someone has broken the glass window

-> The glass window ………………………………………………………..

8. Farmers  are  cutting   a lots of trees for wood.

-> A lots of trees …………………………………………………..

9. They were  building  a new bridge across the river

-> A new bridge ……………………………………………..

10. That robber  killed three officers in the bank lastnight.


11.  Hurricanes destroy a great deal of property each year.

à A great deal of property …………………………………………………………..by hurricanes.

12. The tornado destroyed thirty houses.

à Thirty houses …………………………………………………………………….. by the tornado.

13. The committee is considering several new proposals.

à Several new proposals…………………………………………………………… by the committee.

14. The company has ordered some new equipment.

à Some new equipment ……………………………………………………………. by the company.

15. The manager should sign these contracts today.

à These contracts …………………………………………………………………. by the manager.

16. They didn’t offer Ann the job.

à Ann ……………………………………………………………………….. the job.

17. We are going to send you your exam results as soon as they are ready.

à You ……………………………………………….. your exam results as soon as they are ready.

18. The police were looking for the missing boy.

àThe missing boy ……………………………………………………..by the police.

19. Mr. John will open the new hotel next year.

à The new hotel …………………………………………………………… by Mr. John next year

20. They had to postpone the meeting because of illness.

à The meeting …………………………………………………………………next year

