
Nội dung lý thuyết

Các phiên bản khác

Unit 10: Lifelong learning



Notes on lifelong learning

1. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions below. Làm việc với một người bạn. Hỏi và trả lời những câu hỏi phía dưới

  1. What do you think can facilitate lifelong learning?

    → The government's education policy and new technology are making lifelong learning more and more accessible.

  2. How can people practise lifelong learning?

    → People can practise lifelong learning in many different ways, depending on their situation and circumstances. Some ways include courses, programmes, or talks at their workplace or at home.

2. Read the text about lifelong learning and choose a heading for each paragraph. (Đọc văn bản về học tập suốt đời và chọn một tiêu đề cho mỗi đoạn.)

  • a  Forms of lifelong learning
  • b  Aims of lifelong learning
  • c  Defining lifelong learning
  • d  The difference between compulsory education and lifelong learning

1. ________

     ‘Lifelong learning’ is the pursuit of knowledge throughout life. In other words, learning is not confined to the classroom environment and school subjects. Instead, people can learn throughout their adulthood, even in old age and in a variety of situations, particularly in their daily interactions with others and with the world around them. Lifelong learning must be voluntary and self-motivated. Therefore, lifelong learners should have a strong desire to learn and explore the world.

2. ________

     Lifelong learning is facilitated by e-learning platforms. Education is now no longer offered only by ‘bricks and mortar’ institutions. Online courses have instead enabled lifelong learning by providing learners, teachers, and course providers with much more flexibility in terms of learning time, place, pace, and style. Learners, for instance, can now have the course content taught to them by a school located miles away from where they live or work. In addition, young parents can select their group meeting time late in the evening when their children have gone to bed.

3. ________

    Most importantly, lifelong learning should be regarded as an attitude to learning for self-improvement rather than a pathway to qualifications. This means the ultimate aim * better yourself for personal and/or profe development rather than for some certificate decorate your CV. This type of lifelong lear may not necessarily take place as part of a cc may be done very informally in any area of int and at your convenience, as long as it is well w* your capabilities and/or improves your skills- example, researching the tidal cycles of the where you often go fishing and the types of available there is a form of lifelong learning.

Đáp án:

1.c   2.a   3.b

3. Read the text and find the words or phrases in the text that have the following meanings. Write them in the space below. (Đọc văn bản và tìm các từ hoặc cụm từ trong văn bản có ý nghĩa như sau. Viết chúng vào chỗ trống bên dưới.)

  1. the action of trying one's best to find or follow something
  2. to keep someone or something within limits of time and boundaries of space
  3. interactive online services that provide teachers and learners with information and tools
  4. a building with physical presence rather than virtual or online
  5. being or happening at the end of a process or a series of actions

Đáp án:

1. pursuit     2.confine     3.e-learning platform

4. bricks and mortar      5. ultimate

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions. Đọc lại văn bản và trả lời những câu hỏi bên dưới

  1. Which of the characteristics of lifelong learning distinguishes it from compulsory education?
  2. What makes people become good lifelong learners according to the writer?
  3. How is lifelong learning made possible or easie' to access?
  4. What should be the objective of lifelong learning?

Hướng dẫn:

  1. Lifelong learning is not confined to the classroom environment.
  2. Voluntary learning, self-motivation, and a strong desire to learn make people become good lifelong learners.
  3.  Lifelong learning has been facilitated by e-learning platforms with a variety of online courses.
  4. Lifelong learners should aim at learning for self-improvement, rather than as a pathway to qualifications.

5. Work in groups. Discuss the following question. Làm việc nhóm. Thảo luận câu hỏi sau

Do you know someone who has kept learning throughout their life? Tell the group briefly about him/her. Bạn có biết ai đó đã kiên trì học tập trong suốt cuộc đời của họ? Nói cho nhóm một cách ngắn gọn về anh ấy / cô ấy.


How to keep learning throughout life

1. Work in pairs. Discuss the following ideas about steps to keep learning throughout life. Put them in the order of importance. (Làm việc theo cặp. Thảo luận về ý kiến sau đây về các bước để tiếp tục học tập trong suốt cuộc đời. Đặt chúng theo tầm quan trọng.)

  • attend professional conferences, seminars, and training courses
  • apply knowledge in everyday life
  • make a plan
  • choose something of interest
  • read more regularly
  • put thoughts into action

2. Work with a partner. Fill the gaps in the presentation with some ideas in 1, and then complete its outline. Làm việc với một người bạn. Điền vào các khoảng trống với vài ý tưởng trong 1, và sau đó hoàn thành phác thảo của mình.

Gợi ý:

  1. choose something you'll really enjoy learning about
  2. make a plan
  3. put your thoughts into action
  • (a) Greeting and thanking the audience
  • (b)  Introducing three essential steps to keep learning after leaving school
  • (c)  Choosing something you'll really enjoy learning about
  • (d) Asking what the most interested field is
  • (e) Making a plan
  • (f)   Arranging time for job, housework, and rest and funding
  • (g)  Putting your thoughts into action
  • (h)  Informing friends and others about your learning
  • (i)   Asking what the most interested field is, making a plan, and arranging time for job, housework, and rest and funding
  • (j) Expressing thanks and hopes

3. Work in groups. Choose two ideas discussed in 1 or brainstorm your own ideas to prepare a presentation about how to keep learning throughout life following the outline in 2. Làm việc nhóm. Chọn hai ý tưởng được thảo luận trong 1 hay suy nghĩ về những ý tưởng riêng của mình để chuẩn bị một bài thuyết trình về làm thế nào để tiếp tục học tập trong suốt cuộc đời sau những phác thảo trong 2.


A successful lifelong learner

1. Work in pairs. Match the words (1-5) with their meanings (a-e). (Làm việc theo cặp. Nối từ với nghĩa của chúng)


Đáp án:

1.d   2.a  3.e   4.b   5.c

2. Listen to a talk show about lifelong learning and choose the best answers. (Nghe một talk show về học tập suốt đời và chọn câu trả lời tốt nhất.)

Click tại đây để nghe: 

1. What was Julie's part-time job?

  • A. An artist.
  • B. A teaching assistant.
  • C. A project manager.
  • D. A marketing manager.

2. What did Julie study while having a part-time job?

  • A. A project management course.
  • B. A marketing course.
  • C. A Vietnamese language course.
  • D. An international business course.

3. What type of company is West Corner?

  • A. Hospitality.
  • B. Training.
  • C. Mining.
  • D. Marketing.

4. What did Julie study in order to develop her professional skills?

  • A. Vietnamese language and culture.
  • B. Project development and management.
  • C. Marketing.
  • D. Design.

5. Why was Julie promoted?

  • A. Because she had the right qualifications and spoke both English and Vietnamese.
  • B. Because she kept studying to improve her design skills.
  • C. Because she was Vietnamese.
  • D. Because she was good at project management.

Đáp án:

1.B   2.D   3.C   4.B   5.A

3. Listen again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Tick the correct box. (Nghe một lần nữa và quyết định xem các nhận định là đúng (T) hoặc sai (F). Đánh dấu vào ô thích hợp.)

Click tại đây để nghe: 

  1. The guests on the show were the best students in the class.
  2. The guests are brother and sister and they work in the same field.
  3. As a nursery teacher, Julie worked only in the morning.
  4. Julie's manager supported her professional development by asking her to attend business meetings.
  5. Julie's company has an office in Viet Nam.

Đáp án:

1.F    2.F   3.T    4.F    5.T

4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about someone you know that has succeeded in life thanks to lifelong learning. Làm việc theo cặp. Hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi về một người nào đó bạn biết mà đã thành công trong cuộc đời nhờ học tập suốt đời.


Barriers to lifelong learning

1. Work in groups. Ask and answer the following question. Làm việc nhóm. Hỏi và trả lời câu hỏi sau đây.

  • What do you think are barriers to lifelong learning (things that prevent people from lifelong learning? Bạn nghĩ gì là rào cản đối với việc học tập suốt đời (điều mà ngăn chặn những người học tập suốt đời?

2. Below is a bar chart describing the results of a recent survey of approximately 500 employees about barriers to lifelong learning. Complete the sentences describing the five barriers, using the information in the chart and the useful expressions in the box. Dưới đây một biểu đồ cột mô tả các kết quả của một cuộc khảo sát gần đây của khoảng 500 nhân viên về những rào cản đối với việc học tập suốt đời. Hoàn thành các câu miêu tả năm rào cản, sử dụng thông tin trong biểu đồ và các biểu hiện hữu ích trong hộp.

Gợi ý:

  1. showed/shows, picked
  2. the second rated            
  3. interviewed/asked
  4. accounted for      
  5. A minority/A very small number

3. Use the sentences in 2 to write a description of 150-180 words about barriers to lifelong learning based on the information from the bar chart. Sử dụng các câu trong 2 để viết mô tả trong 150-180 từ về các rào cản để suốt đời học tập dựa trên thông tin từ biểu đồ cột.

Gợi ý:

     The bar chart shows the results of a survey of approximately 500 employees about barriers to lifelong learning. The survey found that there are five barriers that prevent people from participating in lifelong learning. However, these barriers are not equally important.

     Lack of finances is rated by most of the survey participants as the most important factor. More than three quarters (77%) of those who responded to the survey reported that it was their main problem. The second important factor is the lack of time. This was identified as a barrier by 66% of the research participants (almost two-thirds).

     Two more factors were picked by about one-fifth of the participants. These were the unawareness of the importance of lifelong learning (22%) and the irrelevance of the subjects available (20%). A small minority of participants reported a lack of interest in learning (10%).

     In conclusion, the top two factors that prevent employees from participating in lifelong learning are lack of finances and lack of time. It is clear that priority must be given to them when encouraging employees to pursue further education.