8E: Describe Future Trends

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Describe Future Trends


An optimistic person thinks everything will be good in the future. A pessimistic person thinks that things will be bad in the future.

We often use adverbs of certainty with will.
I'll certainly / definitely/ probably/possibly live to 100.
A: Will you have a happy life?
B: Yes, definitely!


Writing Skills: Describe Trends

Verbs to describe an upward trend

The following verbs can be used to describe a trend or pattern that goes up.

  • climb (past: climbed)
  • go up (past: went up)
  • grow (past: grew)
  • increase (past: increased)
  • jump (past: jumped)
  • rise (past: rose)
  • rocket (past: rocketed)

Sentence examples using words that show an upward trend:

  • The number of enrolments increased significantly between 2005 and 2010.
  • Production rose from 800 units in May to 1000 units the following month.

Verbs to describe a downward trend

The following verbs can be used to describe a trend or pattern that goes down.

  • decline (past: declined)
  • decrease (past: decreased)
  • drop (past: dropped)
  • fall (past: fell)
  • go down (past: went down)
  • plummet (past: plummeted) = to fall or drop suddenly in amount or value
  • plunge (past: plunged) = to fall or drop suddenly in amount or value

Plunge and Plummet, when describing trends, have the same meaning.

Sentence examples using words that show a downward trend:

  • Prices of Model X dropped significantly once Model Y became available on the market.
  • Company profits decreased in 2013 by 15%.

Words and phrases used to describe a stable trend

To describe a more or less stable pattern, you can use the following expressions:

  • maintain (past: maintained)
  • remain (past: remained)
  • stay (past: stayed)
  • constant
  • stable
  • steady
  • unchanged

Adverbs used when describing trends

Adverbs describe HOW something happens. They usually come after a verb.

  • sharply, rapidly, quickly, steeply
  • considerably, significantly, substantially
  • steadily, gradually, moderately
  • slightly, slowly

To see the degree of intensity of these adverbs, look at the chart below.

Nouns used when describing trends

  • decline
  • decrease
  • dip (a momentarily small drop in the level of something)
  • drop
  • fall
  • fluctuation (= an irregular rising and falling in number or amount; a variation)
  • growth
  • increase
  • peak (= the highest point)
  • rise
  • slump (= a severe or prolonged fall in the price, value, or amount of something)
  • variation (= a change or difference in condition, amount, or level)

Goal check

Currently, there are 250 students enrolled in various classes, and their choices are divided into three main subjects: Math and English, Science, and Art. Among these, the largest proportion of students, 44%, are taking Math and English. This indicates that traditional core subjects are highly prioritized in the present time. Meanwhile, 35% of students are enrolled in Science, showing a strong interest in technical and analytical subjects, which might reflect the demand for STEM-related careers. Lastly, 21% of students are taking Art, making it the least chosen subject currently. This suggests that creative fields may not be as popular at the moment compared to academic or technical subjects.

However, by the year 2030, significant changes are expected in student preferences as the total number of students grows to 400. The percentage of students studying Math and English is projected to decrease from 44% to 39%. Although it will remain a popular choice, the slight decline suggests a gradual shift away from traditional core subjects. The percentage of students in Science will see a more noticeable drop, falling from 35% to just 25%. This decline could reflect a reduced interest in STEM fields or a broader diversification of career aspirations.

On the other hand, Art is expected to gain substantial popularity. The percentage of students choosing Art will rise dramatically, from 21% to 36%. This increase may indicate a growing appreciation for creativity and innovation or a shift in societal values that places greater emphasis on artistic expression and non-traditional career paths.

Overall, these trends highlight a significant shift in student preferences. While Math, English, and Science are currently dominant, the future points toward a balance where creative fields like Art gain more importance. This change could be influenced by a variety of factors, such as the evolving job market, technological advancements, or changing cultural values. It will be interesting to see how these trends align with the needs of future societies and whether they reflect similar patterns in other cities around the world.


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