What problems can mobile phones cause?
What problems can mobile phones cause?
Read the essay and answer the questions.
1. What are the arguments for a ban on mobile phones?
2. What are the arguments against a ban?
3. In which paragraph does the writer give a personal opinion? What is it?
Mobile phones should be banned from schools.
1. Our school plans to ban mobile phones because many teachers complain that they are a nuisance. There are arguments both for and against this rule.
2. One of the arguments for the ban is that people say that phones cause problems at school. Students forget to turn their phones off during class, and if one rings, it disturbs the whole class. Outside the classroom, phones can also cause more serious problems, such as cyberbullying. They say that it is worse if students have access to the internet at school.
3. On the other hand, phones can be a great resource for students. For instance, students use their mobiles in class to research information online. In addition, students can use apps on their phones to help them with schoolwork, for example by creating homework reminders.
4. Personally, I am not in favour of banning mobiles completely as students need them before and after school. However, I think students should agree to keep their phones on silent and in their bags.
1. What are the arguments for a ban on mobile phones?
People say that phones cause problems at school
2. What are the arguments against a ban?
Phones can be a great resource for student
3. In which paragraph does the writer give a personal opinion? What is it?
The writer give a personal opinion in paragraph 4. She thinks students should agree to keep their phones on silent and in their bags.
Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt DũngFind the key phrases in the essay. Which phrases ...
1. introduce the writer's opinion?
2. help to list reasons and arguments?
3. help to contrast ideas?
1. introduce the writer's opinion?
Personally, I am not in favour of ...
However, I think ...
2. help to list reasons and arguments?
One of the arguments for the ban is that ...
3. help to contrast ideas?
On the other hand, ...
Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt DũngFind phrases 1-5 in the essay. What do the pronouns in blue refer to?
1. they are a nuisance
2. for and against this rule
3. if one rings, it disturbs the whole class
4. they say that it is worse if students have access to the internet
5. students can use apps on their phones to help them with schoolwork
1. they are a nuisance
--> mobile phones
2. for and against this rule
--> ban mobile phones
3. if one rings, it disturbs the whole class
--> their phone
4. they say that it is worse if students have access to the internet
--> cyperbullying
5. students can use apps on their phones to help them with schoolwork
--> students
Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt DũngUSE IT! Follow the steps in the Writing Guide.
Write a discussion essay on this topic:
All young people should do two weeks of compulsory work for the community every year (such as street cleaning, planting trees or helping old people). Discuss.
1. What will be the consequences of this rule if it is introduced?
2. How would young people feel about this rule?
3. Do you think that doing compulsory work would make students more responsible? Why?
4. Is there a better way to encourage young people to help their community?
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Ideas for one side of the argument
Paragraph 3: Ideas for the other side of the argument
Paragraph 4: Conclusion and your opinion
- phrases to present / contrast arguments
- references and pronouns
All young people should do two weeks of compulsory work for the community every year. Discuss.
Many people believe young people should be required to do two weeks of compulsory work for the community every year (such as street cleaning, planting trees or helping old people).
There are arguments both for and against this rule.
One of the arguments for introducing compulsory community service for young people is enhancing a sense of civic responsibility and community spirit in young people. For example, by working together on projects that benefit the community, young people would learn the value of cooperation, hard work, and helping others, which could be an opportunity for them to learn new skills and gain valuable work experience. Additionally, such a program could help to address some of the social and environmental issues facing our communities, such as litter or deforestation.
On the other hand, some young people may feel uncomfortable and resentful when forced to do work they do not want to do. In addition, they suppose that mandatory community service is an infringement on personal freedom and individual choice, which could lead to a negative attitude towards community service and make it less likely that they will volunteer in the future.
Personally, I am in favour of introducing compulsory community service in two weeks for young people every year because it helps themselves and also solve community issues. However, I think it is important to ensure that young people are given a choice of community service projects to work on, and they are adequately supported and rewarded for their efforts.
Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng
Mobile phones can cause overuse and even addiction, which result in negative consequences, such as poor sleep quality, damage to the human eyes, increased anxiety, and social isolation. In addition, it also can cause distraction in study and work, reducing productivity and limiting creativity.
Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng